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Linda Harvey

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EARTH : the Sequel !
3/26/2008 4:45:30 PM
Earth: The Sequel. The Race to Reinvent Energy and Stop Global Warming

Dear Linda,

Earth: The Sequel's message of hope in a clean energy future is catching on.

Help spread the word by telling your friends about the book.

As I've traveled America speaking about my new book, Earth: The Sequel, I have been humbled and moved by the overwhelmingly positive response. People have packed bookstores and town halls by the hundreds.

Many of you have come to these events and it has been a pleasure to meet so many of you.

I want to thank you and the entire EDF online community for all your support. It has been a thrill to have you with me as we have explored ways we can reinvent energy and stop global warming.

I have been so moved by the voices of those I've met. A young woman in Seattle approached me after my book talk there and asked me to tell her again that there was hope, tears welling up in her eyes. Over and over people tell me they are enthusiastic about the message that global warming can be solved.

Beyond the thousands of people who have turned out, we have earned praise in the national media from the likes of Time magazine, the Los Angeles Times and ABC News. And last week, we were #25 on the New York Times Bestseller list.

One thing is clear: the American people are way ahead of the policy makers in Washington. With the right national policy, we can stop global warming and create the clean energy jobs of the future. Indeed, to stay competitive in the 21st century, we must do both. The message that this is doable leads to people engaging, and creates the demand for action.

Here are a few ways you can keep this message moving to more and more people, fueling our momentum for national action.

  1. Email 5 friends about the book and the hopeful message that we can reinvent energy and stop global warming. Urge them to go to to watch our online video trailer.
  2. Go to our Action Center for more ideas on how you can help spread the word online.
  3. If you haven't already, buy Earth: The Sequel and plug into this clean energy revolution:

This spring, the Senate could vote on global warming legislation. This is encouraging, but we can't let up. In order to unleash the clean energy technologies of the future, we must keep the momentum going for strong national action.

You can help by continuing to press the message of hope and opportunity.

Thank you once again for all your generous support of the book. I know the strength of our early book sales and the welcoming  enthusiasm that I have received on the road have been driven by your support and activism.

We are on the cusp of a clean energy future. Together, I am more confident than ever we will get there. Please continue to help spread our important message.

Thank you for all you do,
Fred Krupp

P.S. All profits from sales of this book will go to support EDF's global warming campaign.

Linda Harvey

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Re: EARTH : the Sequel !
3/26/2008 4:47:19 PM
A new choice: Hope. For too long, the global warming debate has been mired between those who preach doom and gloom and those who deny the global warming threat. There's another way to look at this.
Linda Harvey

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Re: EARTH : he Sequel !
3/26/2008 4:47:49 PM
Economic opportunity: We must change the global warming conversation by highlighting the enormous opportunities that will emerge as we transform to a clean energy economy.
Linda Harvey

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Re: EARTH : the Sequel !
3/26/2008 4:48:15 PM
The technologies are real. They're ready. But we need smart national policies that cap carbon emissions and reward innovation.
Linda Harvey

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Re: EARTH : the Sequel !
3/26/2008 4:48:55 PM
The prize is too big for us to lose. This message is for everyone, global warming skeptics included. America must compete for the multi-trillion dollar energy future — the race to reinvent energy is one we can't afford to lose.

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