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Rose Enderud

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Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #26
3/24/2008 4:35:07 PM

It is our pleasure to bring you the
Arts Exhibitions
at Adlandpro

An on-line exhibition of work by Artists and Craftsmen at Adlandpro
(A new exhibition every three weeks)

Exhibition 26.  Pins, Plaques and Magnets by Elaine Hopper

Elaine, who lives in New Jersey, is another new friend of ours.  She joined Adland in February this year.  She runs Just 4 Fun Ceramics and makes novelty pins, plaques and magnets for all ocassions.

Elaine's Work

Pins & Magnets



        Prices from 5$, discounts for quantity 


        Prices from 15$ . All Made to Order to your Specification                                                 

How it is done!
Before and after pictures


Some examples of sets to paint yourself:


About the Artist

First I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Elaine. I have started a little business called Just 4 Fun Ceramics. That's what it is -  FUN!!

I didn't start doing ceramics. First I started drawing Disney characters. When I was 9, I sent some work in. They said it was very good and to contact them when I was older. Things happen in life and everything goes in a different direction.  But thats ok.

 What I enjoy is small detail work. I had many hospital stays when I was young and MANY MANY model everythings, planes, trains ,cars. You name it my Mom got it for me to put together. As I got older I tried my hand at drawing people (well you see how well that went). So a friend gave me some of those rag shop ceramic santas, pumpkins ,ornaments. I did a couple of them. When they were done she bought them back from me!!.  So needless to say, ceramics is my favorite medium.  And as I've been disabled for almost 2 yrs now, it keeps me moving too.

I have one employee,  my 1 yr old granddaughter Fallon, she is my Quality Control Inspector. Her job is simple she grabs a pin and throws it to see if it will break!! Well so far she's done her job well.

So now to what I do.

Let me ask you a question...when you see an ice cube tray with the little squares what do you think? Maybe, oh how cute.  Well I see little squares of plaster to drill a hole in and paint a letter on it. Oh and the little trays you would use to make bacon in the microwave I make the bases of my small desk plaque.
Here's another one on my website

you will see a birthday plaque. The base of it is made from,are you ready...the bottom of a fast food salad container. Now the bigger desk plaque on my site, the base is made from the center of one of the appetizer platters you buy at the supermarket.

I sell my pins, plaques and magnets through my website

and make up pieces to order, especially the  birthday plaques and have just finished a series of pins for our local baseball stadium,

 Last but nowhere near least I would like to thank Rose and Jenny for this fun and great opportunity to show my things. Please enjoy and feel free to visit my site and comment on my pictures.
Thanks again


The Arts Exhibitions Team:


Jo Matthias

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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #26
3/24/2008 4:46:03 PM

Hello Rose,

Thank you for sharing the works of Elaine.   It is really great.  She has a wonderful website...

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Rose Enderud

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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #26
3/24/2008 4:51:09 PM
Hello everyone,
Thank you Elaine for showing your wonderful pieces to our guest. It takes a lot of patients to work in such detail.
Jenny SJ

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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #26
3/24/2008 5:06:55 PM
Hi Elaine,

This exhibition is great fun! And your plaques are a work of art.  Rose is right -you must have tremendous patience. I loved reading your descriptions of how you find and make your moulds!  I have strated to look at all containers with new yes now!

 And  your do-it-yourself-option is great news for people.  It will certainly be a good idea for harrassed mothers during the vacations, to keep their kids occupied productively!

I am not suprised that you receive so many personalised orders!

To your succcess!

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #26
3/24/2008 5:09:20 PM
Hello Rose and ArtExhibition Team

Again a very nice Exhibition and and this time a unique style in ELAINE's Exhibition.

ELAINE this is a very unique style I realy like  it.
Keep up the Good WORK

A Dedication from MOTHER HELLAS

Click above - Modern History of Greece with a mourning song
Our Modern history is filled of sorrow and wail

Who is the MOTHER who lose her Child
and pain doesn't languish her!
© Philoxenia  March 25th, 2008 (Georgios Paraskevopoulos)

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