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Nick Sym

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Person Of The Week
Re: Vote For Our 20th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week 3/31/08
3/26/2008 2:38:11 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Vote For Our 20th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week 3/31/08
3/27/2008 1:48:31 PM

Dear Friends,

Thank You For The Prayers For My Friend/Partner/Brother as of today his Family member is not doing well as her mental sate is a major concerns as there is no signs of any health issue and still slipping . I would like to Thank Sharon and Peter for their help in my absence over the next few days . Gods speed :-) Lee

Joelees Wholesale

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Last Day To Vote ! Be sure to have your friends make their votes count !
3/28/2008 10:05:15 AM

Last Day To Vote ! Be sure to have your friends make their votes count !

Vote For Our 20th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week 3/31/08
Doug Dawes - 0% / 0 Votes
Doug Dawes
Sam Hall - 9% / 2 Votes
Sam Hall
Michael Derowin - 39% / 9 Votes
Michael Derowin
Robert Coaster - 13% / 3 Votes
Robert Coaster
Daniel Meritt - 4% / 1 Votes
Daniel Meritt
Sergio Musetti - 0% / 0 Votes
Sergio Musetti
Jason Lamure - 22% / 5 Votes
Jason Lamure
Kevin Doolittle - 13% / 3 Votes
Kevin Doolittle
Total Votes: 23
Vote On Poll

Re: Vote For Our 20th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week 3/31/08
3/28/2008 11:40:41 AM

Hi Lee and Peter.

I came to vote but since I like to make a fully infomed vote and not everyone nominated is a friend of mine yet I'll have to visit a few people and invite them to be my friend before I vote. 

Could you have links to the profiles of the nominees (like other contests here) along with their names?  It'd make it a lot easier for someone like me rather than having to search the names to find their profiles.  Just a suggestion.  Thanks.

May all dreams and desires become realities in '08.

Your friend (please invite me to be your friend if I'm not yet),

Gunther G.

ps - Please visit my Friend to Friend for Friends forum and read an exceptionally insightful post by the current DGOTW, Michael Caron. 

Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991
Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Voting Ended For Our 20th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week 3/31/08
3/31/2008 9:33:01 AM

Voting Ended For Our 20th Distinguished Gentlemen Of The Week 3/31/08
Doug Dawes - 0% / 0 Votes
Doug Dawes
Sam Hall - 13% / 3 Votes
Sam Hall
Michael Derowin - Congratulations!38% / 9 Votes
Michael Derowin
Robert Coaster - 13% / 3 Votes
Robert Coaster
Daniel Meritt - 4% / 1 Votes
Daniel Meritt
Sergio Musetti - 0% / 0 Votes
Sergio Musetti
Jason Lamure - 21% / 5 Votes
Jason Lamure
Kevin Doolittle - 13% / 3 Votes
Kevin Doolittle
Total Votes: 24

Vote view current Results 


Peter Fogel

Peter will be announce the winners honoring forum each week. Thank you Peter

Also Each DGOTW's Profiles will also be added to Distinguished Gentlemen Website ! along with final voting results . Each winner will be contacted for permission to do so .

Please have your Adland "About Me" and "Webpage" updated. Enjoy your week !


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