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Michael Rogers

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Re: AdlandPro Friends-Just to let you know!
8/18/2005 1:32:22 AM
Hello Vi, I wish you a good and safe move, be careful, and remember, lift with the legs, not the back. Thank you for letting us know Vi. Keeping in touch, will be good, we will be waiting to hear from you. respectfully,
Craftie Linda

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Re: AdlandPro Friends-Just to let you know!
8/21/2005 12:10:45 PM
Hi Vi Good look with your move. Linda
Re: AdlandPro Friends-Just to let you know!
8/28/2005 7:55:31 PM
Hi Vi, Good luck, moving is always my worst nightmare. I just don't like doing it. You'll do fine. When I was shipping out, Houston was one of our ports of call. Pretty friendly 2-steppin' town. When we were visitin', we 'didn't mess with Texas' Make it a Great Day! Mark Coussoule
Vi Shahan

201 Posts
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Re: AdlandPro Friends-Just to let you know!
9/14/2005 12:06:44 AM
I will be moving to Kingwood, TX on Sept 27th and will give you a call when I get unloaded. 47 years of collecting stuff especially clothes and shoes. What does that tell you!! I am still packing and getting organized. We are taking 12 days to drive to Kingwood from Salt Lake City, UT. Thank you for the encouragement. I have been in Houston for the last three months and know what you were saying about the weather, but it is a have to move.
"Change Your Mind." "Change Your Life." Vi Shahan Website:

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