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Re: Can You Imagin. A Unified Advocacy For Autism.
5/20/2008 11:15:47 AM

Growing Up Green Now Available in NAA's Little Shop of Hope

Growing Up Green - Fulfilling a mission and empowering parents for a healthier next generation
By Deirdre Imus

Growing Up Green - Deirdre ImusAs a parent, you want to do everything right and give your baby the best possible start in life. Fifty years ago, our parents had a good understanding of their responsibilities. They were our lifeline and provided us with food, clothing, shelter, education, and of course love. Like parents throughout history, they did whatever was in their power to keep us safe and protect us from harm.

But in today’s society, what does it really mean, to “keep our children safe, protect them from harm”?

The responsibility of raising – and protecting – our children has become a lot more complicated. Even with our best efforts, it is no longer enough to provide the basics and lots of love if you want to raise a healthy child. The threats to our children are not always so obvious, but they are serious threats nonetheless.

Please join me in helping to protect our children's health. My goal is simple: educate as many parents as possible about how to eliminate and prevent childhood exposures to toxins in an increasingly toxic environment.

To order your copy of Growing Up Green, Baby and Child Care, go to:

For more information on the Green This! series and NAA Board Member Deirdre Imus, please visit

Think Autism. Think Cure.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Can You Imagin. A Unified Advocacy For Autism.
5/22/2008 7:35:31 AM

    Greetings All

While families with autistic children waited for years to have their cases heard in " The Special Federal Autism Court " Bush, the drug makers, the DOJ and the CDC were all very busy making preparations for the big day. They were busy concealing research reports that would support the litigants case. They were busy making sure that no public access to the hearings would be available. In other words, they were busy replacing the truth with lies and protecting themselves from liability for their criminal actions.

    If they would go to such lengths to protect themselves from liability for hurting millions of innocent children I have to wonder what other dirty little secrets they have hidden behind their Imperial Wall Of Secrecy.

The Other Secret Bush Court?

Posted November 15, 2006 | 10:05 PM (EST)

stumbleupon :The Other Secret Bush Court?   digg: The Other Secret Bush Court?   reddit: The Other Secret Bush Court? The Other Secret Bush Court?

Next year, a "Special Master" in an obscure Federal court known only to a few Americans will preside over a highly sensitive judicial matter of urgent national importance. The Bush Administration wants to hold the hearings in a sealed courtroom, off limits to the press and public, with stiff "sanctions" for any outsider who attempts to gain unauthorized access to the secretive proceedings within.

Terror trials in faraway Gitmo? Good guess. But these are vaccine trials on New York Avenue, in downtown Washington, at the U.S. Court of Federal Claims.

You may not know it, but there is an official federal "vaccine court," where some 4,750 autism-related cases have been pending for years. Claimants believe the mercury-based vaccine preservative, thimerosal, and/or the MMR vaccine, contributed to their children's autism, and they are seeking compensation from a special vaccine injury fund administered by the federal government.

The long-awaited autism vaccine trial will commence on June 11 in the courtroom of Special Master George Hastings. The plaintiffs and their attorneys have asked for complete transparency in every aspect of the tribunal, including public disclosure of all evidence and unhindered media access to the hearings. The few autism families whose medical records will be scrutinized as legal examples are waiving their right to privacy and confidentiality, so that their stories may finally be told in an open court of law.

But the DOJ (technically, the "defense") has other plans. On November 3rd, the Department wrote to Hastings saying it "would oppose public access to the courtroom and public broadcast of the trial," because such an arrangement. "would pose security and privacy concerns" for those in attendance.

Exactly whose privacy are they trying to protect? It can't be the parents, because they don't want privacy. The only party fretting about privacy is the DOJ itself, and presumably, the vaccine makers. (As for "security" concerns, isn't that why we have court officers?).

The government may call this privacy, but I call it secrecy. In fact, there has been a long and unseemly history of secrecy when it comes to federal data on thimerosal and autism.

And let's face it: People don't hide something unless they have something to hide.

Back in 2002, Health and Human Services lawyers quietly slipped into vaccine court to file a protection order to permanently seal all thimerosal-related documents. They proposed sanctions for any lawyer who shared the secret government information with autism families, the public or the press. All thimerosal data would be banned from use in future civil cases, and any materials already given to plaintiffs would be rounded up by federal agents and destroyed. The motion was withdrawn after appropriate public outcry.

Many of those federal documents pertained to an off-limits database called the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), which tracks the medical records of hundreds of thousands of American children. Lawyers for the families have tried to gain access to the VSD for years, including a 2004 "Motion to Compel" that went nowhere.

In 2005, the Institute of Medicine issued a report slamming the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which manages the VSD, for a "lack of transparency" in handling the data. Even more alarming, CDC officials testified that the original datasets they examined had "not been archived in a standard fashion," meaning they were either lost, or destroyed. Take your pick.

If the disappearance of these datasets was int

There is much more to this story. Follow the link below

Can You Imagin? A United Advocacy For Autism Forum.
May a smile follow you to sleep each night
     and be there waiting,,,,,,,,when you awaken
Sincerely, Billdaddy
Elizabeth Westberry, we send you our love,our prayers and our healing light. 
May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
Mental Health And Political Forums Respectively
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Billdaddy's Team Builder Network
May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Can You Imagin. A Unified Advocacy For Autism.
6/2/2008 11:14:02 PM


News Release                                       Contacts:
For immediate release                       
Wendy Fournier (Portsmouth, RI) 401-835-5828
6/2/08                                                    Rita Shreffler (Nixa, MO) 401-632-6452 

Vaccine-Injury Advocates Gathering in Washington for June 4 Rally
Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey to hold largest ever rally on vaccine-autism link

Washington, DC – The National Autism Association (NAA) will join nearly forty other advocacy organizations in the June 4 “Green Our Vaccines” rally planned by Jenny McCarthy and Jim Carrey to draw attention to the vaccine-autism link.  Organized by Talk About Curing Autism (TACA), Generation Rescue, HEAL and Moms Against Mercury, the rally is generating enthusiasm among parents and caregivers who have long believed that their children’s autism symptoms were triggered by exposure to toxic vaccine components.

“It’s time for our nation’s health agencies to put our children first and get toxins out of vaccines,” said NAA vice-president Ann Brasher, grandparent of a vaccine-injured child diagnosed with autism. “Known poisons such as mercury and aluminum should never be injected into humans, especially infants and young children.  The needlessly aggressive vaccine schedule plus toxic vaccine ingredients have wreaked havoc on the health of an entire generation.”

The rise in autism and related diagnoses over the past 20 years is alarming, with one in 150 children now diagnosed with autism.  Additionally, one in six children has a learning or behavior disorder.  A growing number of parents and medical professionals believe increased exposure to toxic vaccines and the rise in children’s health issues are not coincidental.

Following the rally, thousands of parents will visit with their legislators to relay their personal stories of vaccine-injury and ask that legislation be supported on behalf of their vaccine-injured children.  NAA encourages its members and chapter leaders to ask for support for several specific pieces of legislation including:

  • The Comprehensive Comparative Study of Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Populations Act of 2007, HR 2832
  • The Mercury-Free Vaccines Act of 2007, HR 881
  • The Vaccine Safety and Public Confidence Assurance Act of 2007, HR 1973

“This is a unique opportunity for parents to impact the direction of legislation that will make a difference in the lives of so many children that were injured simply because they followed the vaccine schedule,” commented Ms. Brasher.  “We are their voice, and we’re not going away until their injuries are recognized and appropriately addressed by our government and the medical community.”

For more information on autism, visit



Think Autism. Think Cure.

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Re: Can You Imagin. A Unified Advocacy For Autism.
6/5/2008 9:20:21 PM

Greetings All

    This is absolutely a must read. We have got to take action to stop the government and the drug makers from taking away our right to refuse vaccinations. Please read every word of this report and take action to prevent this atrocity from occurring.

Natural Solutions Foundation

Health Freedom eAlert           

June 5, 2008




Special "Mouse Warrior" Action Alert: Voting to Turn the Police Power of the State into the Power of the Police State With a Needle -

Legislature to vote June 10th



Under proposed Assembly Bill 10942, NY surrenders its control of public health and makes every vaccination recomended by the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices mandatory.  For the first time, vaccination of infants and toddlers becomes mandatory.  Under this proposed law, there will be NO exemptions for any reason.

Why is New York giving away its rights to determine public health standards? Ralph Fucetola JD says in his blog (, "We have to think about the cowardice and stupidity of our elected representatives and ask why they are willing to surrender state sovereignty to the dominion of Big Pharma's lies, while surrendering our well-being. They are turning the Police Power of the State into the Police State of Power!"

Take these 5 Action Steps Now and Alert Your Contacts to Do the Same

First NJ, Now NY: Is Your State Next?


Click here to tell NY State Legislators and your Congressional Members to protect your health and your rights!

Click here to sign the Tiburon Declaration against forced drugging and vaccination

Click here to make your tax deductible recurring donation to sustain Natural Solutions Foundation, your Health Freedom's best friend

Click here to order the brand new, long awaited Natural Solutions Foundation downloadable eBook on What You Need to Know About Vaccine Exemptions
This outstanding 122 page compendium of information is available as a special introductory offer for $24.95 until the end of June.  After that, the price will be $39.95.  Act now.  Give every parent you know a copy of this unique book, written by leading vaccination attorney Alan G. Phillips, Esq.
Click here to join the vibrant
No-Forced-Vaccination Yahoo! group

New York State:
the New
"Needle Park"

On June 10, 2008, unless we get enough voices to holler out loud, the New York Legislature pass "Fast Track" legislation making all shots recommended by the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) mandatory for EVERY child in New York
  • No exemptions of conscience or religion
  • No objections by parents of already vaccine-damaged (or other vulnerable) kids.
  • No private school exemptions. 
None. Gone. Vaporized by vote. 
Is that OK with you?  It's certainly NOT OK with me.
  • Forget Parental Rights
  • Forget Civil Rights
  • Forget Exemptions. 
Instead, every shot reccommended by ACIP, no matter how absurd or dangerous, will be mandatory. (The dangerous and unproven HPV vaccine will be mandated for your daughter) Every one. 
Under the current ACIP vaccination schedule, children between the ages of birth and 7 years receive 47 doses of vaccines! No science shows this is either safe or effective.

By age 18 the total is 67 vaccine doses for boys and 70 for girls (including the absurd and dangerous HPV vaccines). No science shows this is either safe or effective.  Quite a lot of science shows that it is neither.
New vaccines are being added at a furious clip: there is no profit in vaccines unless they are widely administered.  How much more widely can they be administered?  Well, how about compulsory vaccination for you, too?  Under the same agency's recommended schedule, if you manage to survive to age 70 and you have been unlucky enough to be "fully vaccinated", you have received a walloping 70 vaccine doses since age 18 for a life-long total of 160 doses (men), 163 for women. And that doesn't even begin to deal with "special" vaccines like smallpox, "Avian Flu" or other "Pandemic" vaccinations.
Nor does it include travel vaccines like Yellow Fever (which General Stubblebine and I routinely refuse, by the way).
Your response is probably, "What are they trying to do?  Kill us?"  Well, that's probably not a bad guess.

President Bush has proposed military quarantines of whole sections of the population re: Avian flu or other pandemic.  Oct. 2007 executive order from President Bush that directed HHS to establish a task force to plan for potential catastrophes like a terrorist attack, pandemic influenza or a natural disaster that would ensure full use of Department of Defense resources.
Once a "pandemic" is declared and martial law follows (triggered at the drop of that deadly word by the head of Health and Human Services or the White House), refusal to accept "Pandemic vaccination" will lead to your "relocation/quarantine" by either US forces or the Canadian army (following the February 14, 2008 treaty announced by US Army North Com and the Canadian Military). 
The 2006 Defense Authorization Act expanded the 1807 Insurrection Act to allow the President to declare Martial Law and send in the Military not only for insurrections, but also any "natural disaster, epidemic, or other serious public health emergency, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition," with both "incident" or "condition" not defined nor limited.
Halliburton has built a constellation of concentration camps (sort of our very own Gulag Archipelago) across the U.S. - are these camps for infected patients, or civil libertarians and nonviolent dissidents?
Flu Shots and Alzheimer's Disease
I do not believe there is such a thing as a "Green Vaccine", despite its lovely ring.  Even green vaccines are dangerous because they introduce antigenic materials into the body which are neither safe nor effective in preventing disease and which damage the immune system.  But if you still believe vaccines are safe, effective or both,  and you want to give your child a toxic brew, please, be my guest.  Why doesn't that right extend on the other direction? 

Yesterday celebrities, parents, doctors and others marched to "Green Vaccines" in Washington and "get unnecessary toxins out of vaccines".  Does that mean that there are, in fact, "necessary" toxins in vaccines?
It supposes that safe vaccines without, for example, mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, monosodium glutamate, aspartame, cancer-causing viruses, human fetal tissues, stealth viruses and the rest of the witches' brew can, in fact, be made.  Let's assume that they can, just for the sake of argument.
There is nothing, nothing, I repeat nothing, in the non-commercial scientific literature which confirms the hypothesis that vaccines are related to the decrease in epidemic diseases (hygiene did that) or an increase in public health.  There is nothing which confirms the safety of early and multiple vaccine doses.  Nothing, although there is, of course, a vast amount of propaganda and junk science to assert it, but nothing to prove it.
My mother recently died of Alzheimer's Disease.  She took her flu shots regularly because her doctor urged her to.  Is my mother dead, after years of sorrow for herself and her family, because of her obedience to her mis-informed doctor?
Consider this:

"According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our times (nearly 850 papers in peer review journals):

If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied) his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times higher than if he/she had one, 2 or no shots. Dr. Fudenberg said it was so and that it was due to mercury and aluminum that is in every flu shot. The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction.

Flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury. One microgram is considered toxic."

Five consecutive flu shots?  Children by age 4.5 have had 5 consecutive flu shots. 
Will the 50% Alzheimer's incidence in people over 80 increase to 100%?  What about for people age 70 who will have had 71 consecutive flu shots?
And what about the 1 to 3 micrograms of mercury that the CDC now admits remains in all vaccines as an undisclosed "trace" contaminant? See the web site for the email exchange with CDC on this.
The Federal Government holds that vaccine issues belong to the states and their position is "merely advisory."  New York is surrendering its responsibility to the 15 member board of the ACIP.  Why?  Could it be that our strong advocacy and others letting people know about the dangers of vaccination threatens to undermine the tremendous profits inherent in vaccination?  Could it be that although, to quote the May 21, 2008 NY Times article, : "the U.S. currently enjoys the highest immunization rate ever; 77% of children embarking on the first day of school are completely up to date on their recommended doses and most of the remaining children are missing just a few shots."  We also enjoy the world's highest rates of autism (currently 1 boy in 60 in New Jersey!), pediatric diabetes, neurological disorders, MS, Asthma, Pediatric cancer, etc.
"Under the New York law, both your child's doctor and you will be required to maintain and provide burdensome documentation of the inoculated status of your child.  If you lose your child's papers?  Reinnoculation. 
If you doubt that, ask the parents of the 1100 kids revaccinated at gun point in Prince George's County MD last November when the school district admitted that they had lost the kid's records and re-immunized them anyway!  And ask the parents of the other 1200 kids vaccinated that day while police with attack dogs watched - despite the fact that MD is an exemption state.
If you refuse vaccines in NY and don't give your child the opportunity to develop autism, asthma, diabetes, neurological disorders, and all the other possible consequences of immunization, including convulsions and death, you will very likely lose your child and go to jail.   

Since there is no reason at all to believe that this lucrative, and insane, mandatory vaccination requirement will stop at age 18, I believe that we can expect laws mandating adult vaccination as well.  

Even if you are still among those who believe that vaccination has a place in health, and I must admit, I no longer am, there is no place for unconstitutional and deadly mandatory requirements in health.  Click here
to read the articulate and eloquent rebuttal of the 9 absurd and unscientific points in the NYTimes article.

This is a battle we must win in a war we must not lose. It's up to you.  If this is important enough to you, you WILL take action, donate to the Natural Solutions Foundation, purchase the Vaccine Exemption eBook and alert your contacts. 


Yours in health and freedom, 

Dr. Rima 

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director 
Natural Solutions Foundation 

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Sheryl Loch

1260 Posts
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Re: Can You Imagin. A Unified Advocacy For Autism.
6/6/2008 3:21:25 AM
Hello Bill & others!

Brad also posted (in our membership forum) about the Forced Vaccination of ALL children.

He went & sent in his thoughts & got back a message from our Nevada Senator Joe Heck.
It just shows that we may have hope of some government officials helping us out.

You can see his thread and the response he got HERE

Here is another article you may not have seen yet.

Autism Risk Linked to Distance From Power Plants

It points out once again how we have been lied to for years about what is safe.

Sheryl Loch
