
Re: FREE AD THREAD 3-13 to 3-20-2008
3/13/2008 8:25:45 AM
Thanks for this opportunity. If you are looking for webmaster helpers please visit my link in sigline Looking to purchase items try Connection Secrets link. Have a good day.
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Boyd Garner

47 Posts
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Re: FREE AD THREAD 3-13 to 3-20-2008
3/13/2008 9:11:02 AM

Hi Stephen

Thanks for this opportunity to shae my free training.

                 Do You Believe In Network Marketing?


Are you as successful in your network marketing company as you want to be?

If not It Is Not Your Fault.  

Network marketing is SYSTEM dependent.

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Boyd Garner


Be a Mentor with a Servants Heart




Be a mentor with a servants heart Boyd Garner
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Mel Baxter-Smith

202 Posts
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Re: FREE AD THREAD 3-13 to 3-20-2008
3/13/2008 9:17:42 AM

Top VIDEO on Google is making people rich?!?

This week's big news!

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
Re: FREE AD THREAD 3-13 to 3-20-2008
3/13/2008 9:24:39 AM

Thanks, Stephen!  Happy Thursday!!

PROVEN SYSTEM Produces 1,000's of CASH WIN$!!

Lotto Magic guarantees you lottery tickets twice a week, they use a special number-choosing formula based on the techniques of a world-reknowned lottery expert who has written several best-selling lottery books for the last 20 years.  Her numerical methods have produced 74 verified jackpot winners who have won a total of over $97,000,000.  Lotto Magic uses one of her systems and has produced thousands of cash prizes for members.

As a Team Captain in Lotto Magic, you'll get 10% of all winning tickets thru 5 levels below you, even if there are 10,000's of people in your group, the least you'll ever get is 10%...from numerous winning tickets!  It's all explained here:

Here's what you've been missing...

Saturday's (March 15th) Florida Lotto jackpot will be worth $13,000,000.  There were no winners of the $10,000,000 jackpot on Wednesday (March 12th) BUT there were 71,448 people who shared in $1,052,648 in cash prizes as follows:

50 people who matched 5 of 6 numbers each won $7,103

3,166 people who matched 4 of 6 numbers each won $91

68,232 people who matched 3 of 6 numbers each won $6

Saturday's payouts will be even higher because the jackpot is larger!!

As a Lotto Magic Team Captain, you'll win 50% of your own winning tickets, and 10% of all winning tickets thru 5 levels under you.  All you need to do is introduce people to this fantastic business!  You also earn $25 monthly for each Team Captain on your first level and $2 monthly for each Team Captain on levels 2 thru 5.  It is very possible to earn more commissions than your upline sponsor starting within your very first month.

There were 4 groups in Lotto Magic that had 5-of-6 winnings within 3 months recently, Lotto Magic members really DO win the lottery!  Members of lottery clubs win more often than individual players.  Everyone in Lotto Magic has different numbers, none are duplicated, you will be told your lottery numbers when you join.  Lotto Magic has paid the correct amounts of winnings and commissions every month for 12 years.  There are members in all 50 states and several countries.

There are many more fantastic benefits you get as a Lotto Magic member:

Read the details of the pay plan and great testimonials here:


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Re: FREE AD THREAD 3-13 to 3-20-2008
3/13/2008 9:41:27 AM

Highly Effective Advertising  and Getting Cash Back Doing It !

Yes You Read Correctly!

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