Photo courtesy of Janet Trickett Merryman Visit her site at Zazzle
Our thoughts create our lives and our words indicate what we are thinking.
Source: A Complaint Free World: How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted
Will Bowen goes on to say “Complaining is talking about things you do not want rather than what you do want.”
Will Bowen’s stumbled on a simple idea. People would wear a rubber band on their wrist and every time they complained they would have to change the band to the other wrist. Only when they had gone a consecutive 21 days without complaining did they graduate. (It takes 21 days to from a habit.)
Bowen’s original distribution of 500 bands went to his congregation. Orders began to come in from other communities in the City. Then a reporter picked up the story culminating in an appearance on Oprah.
Request for the bracelets went through the roof sparking a movement across the globe. As the book went to press request for the purple bracelets had exceeded 6 million requests.
It takes between 4 and 8 months for a person to get through 21 days without complaining.
The bracelet is just a self monitoring tool, a very simple one,that works by getting you to become aware of the number of times you complain each day. Once you are aware change is possible. By moving the band back and forth from each wrist you receive a constant reminder about you language and how you are phrasing yourself.
You can order your bracelets from .
When you go to the site you can leave a donation, sign up a group or organization, request a “Certificate of Happiness” when you complete your 21 complaint free days, Blog about it, sign-up for an e-newsletter and more.
So you task today is, that’s right, order a bracelet.
Have a complaint free Wednesday.
Walk in quiet places,
I have a new treat for you, a new Simple Truth movie:
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