
Shaye Richardson

119 Posts
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Re: "Realise Your GRN Dreams"
3/22/2008 12:15:50 AM
Thanks, yes Priceless Possibilities is fantastic...
is one of the most powerful programs online today and an opportunity most families can afford.

Visit my blog at for all my updates.

One of the questions put to me recently has been in regard to membership levels. Some poeple are not in a position where they can afford a platinum membership upfront and still have funds left to market and manage their business. For many if they think outside the square a little they can find a way to leverage themselves into this business.

For as little as $100 a year (GRN Affiliate Website Cost) you can become an affiliate of the Global Resorts Network.

The lowest cost marketing system will cost only $30 a month! So start up costs range from $100 up to $3100 depending on your membership choice this opportunity is really quite affordable.

Invite me to be friends and PM me at any time if you have questions.
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