We introduce to you our marvelous Team who adds quality and expertise to Women of Courage.
AdlandPro's very own Women of Courage:
LaNell http://community.adlandpro.com/go/44064/default.aspx
Carla Cash
Pauline Raina http://community.adlandpro.com/go/301079/default.aspx
Branka Babic http://community.adlandpro.com/go/BrankaBabic/default.aspx
Our very own Man of Courage
Georgios Paraskevopoulos http://community.adlandpro.com/go/Genesis/default.aspx
Our Sweethearts of Courage
Shirley Caron http://community.adlandpro.com/go/scaronpoet2005/default.aspx
Michael Caron http://community.adlandpro.com/go/192260/default.aspx

This week's Woman of Courage is no stranger to tragedy and adversity. She is loving, kind, caring and loved by all. She expresses the beauty she possesses in her paintings, that are nothing short of breathtaking.
I thank LaNell for nominating this exceptional lady.
I introduce to you........

Rose Enderud
Invite Rose to be your friend!
Hello Everyone,
Luella, I am surprised and honored to be featured as this weeks woman of courage. I have to start with my mother as she was a real woman of courage and the reason I have faired as well as I have.
When I was 5 years old my mother took her three young children and moved to Los Angeles. She had raised one family with four children and lost a husband before marrying my father. They had a business paid for with her money. My father had three children when they met. They had four. My father did not claim my younger brother when he was born. He accused my mother of cheating on him. My mother had had enough.
Shortly after we moved north. Mom found work around Lake Tahoe. There she met my stepfather. My memories are few in the next five years. When I was ten my mother caught my stepfather in the act of raping me. I thought she was going to kill him. She was like an old bear protecting her young. She somehow gave me the strength to talk to a judge. We put him in an institution for the rest of his life. I always felt I was safe in California because he was institutionalized in another state and if he were ever to be released he would have to stand trial here for what he did to me.
After that we moved to a little town in Northern California. The population was around one hundred. My mother supported us by cooking for and cleaning our one room school in the winter and running the towns cafe in the summer. She never complained and we never realized how hard she must have worked. Mainly mom taught me not to take any s*** from any one and that I could make it on my own.
I did not learn how to open up, share my experiences, or ask for help. That has been a lot tougher. And some of my Adlandpro friends have help tremendously.
The one room school was a unique experience. I attended grades 4-8 there. The older students helped teach the younger students. So I learned early to share my knowledge and abilities. High school was in a nearby town, 20 miles away.
Those were care free years, spending winters in school and summers in the river. I did have the responsibility of taking care of my younger brother and sister but thought nothing of it. It just needed to be done. I earned my spending money in the summer washing dishes in the cafe.
I was married early, 15. I had my son at 16, my daughter at 19. I raised my children with the help of my mother, not exactly a one parent household but no father around. Those were the Vietnam years. Both my children's fathers were greatly affected by the things they experienced in the war.
We moved from Washington to nearby Grass Valley. Where I went to work for an electronics firm at 22. I stayed there until my children were on their own. Then I just up and quit at 40. I was not sure myself why, mid-life crisis I guess. The following spring I broke an ankle and was off my feet for 6 months. When I was able to work again, I took a live in job caring for a disabled women. I worked with the elderly and disabled until December 2007.
Financially it was not as rewarding, but I would not change it. At 40 I became a grandmother. I now have 2 grandchildren, 3 step grandchildren, and 1 great grandchild.
I started painting when I was around 45. Trying to get my art seen was what brought me to the internet. I visited someone locally to get help with a website. I was so green, I could not answer the questions he asked me. So I went and bought a "For Dummys" book. By the time I finished reading I could design a web page myself, with the help of Netscape. So I got my pages designed and up. Then I had to figure out how to get them seen. That is when I got sidetracked. I could not afford to buy advertising so I had to earn it. Naturally I saw ads for every kind of program under the sun, and got sidetracked by a few.
March of 2000 I caught a virus called Gillian Barre. Within 48 hours I was hospitalized with total paralysis. Lucky, it is something you can recover from. During my two month hospital stay I experienced daily miracles. The therapist would help me move something, a finger, an arm, a leg, etc. It would be like my muscles just needed to be shown to remember what to do. Then I would stay up all night practicing. I had worked at night so my days and nights were turned around. After a year I was able to go back to work.
When I got out of the hospital. The things I had built up on the net had mostly disappeared. I have bounced around with different things. Now, I think I have come full circle. I want to pursue the art and programs that will help others succeed.
Currently I live a little farther down the mountain in Auburn, Ca. I have taken care of a woman who is a quadriplegic due to an accident for the last four years. I had left assisted living to work for Karin because of arthritis. I needed to be on my feet less. Then went from days to nights for Karin to get lighter duty. Now my arthritis is getting so painful I cannot take care of her. I am currently on temporary disability and trying to get permanent.
I can still paint and work at the computer. So I am hoping to get back to being able to support myself.
I have two art forums here. The Art show is available for all artists and crafts people to post their work. It has been going for a year and a half and we have seen lots of great arts and craft works.
The other is where we do exhibitions. Each thread is a different artist, craft person, or craft. We try to do one every three weeks. Co-ordinating with the artist to get their information is sometimes a challenge. But we have some great artist that have allowed us to show their work. I have the help of Jenny SJ on the forum. And Venerina Conti blogs the forum on several blogs.

Rose's Paintings:
More artwork can be seen at on her website.
She will consider offers.

In an attempt to create a viable income I have settled on a couple of businesses that I think are stable, have good products, reasonable pricing, and great support.
GBG Health and Wellness Product
I am using these and do see an improvement in my energy level.
My Power Mall is a great place to shop. If you are going to buy on the internet why not buy in your own mall. Many of the places I already shopped are in my mall.
JD Premium Products
I love my jerky.
GDI my website host
I belong to a number of internet communities besides Adlandpro, CMU7, Yuwie, etc.