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Re: Team for Diamond Elite
3/9/2008 12:14:59 AM
Hi Carol,
Thanks for letting me know about Traffic Era and your plans for a new group.  I signed up under you as cses.
All the best,
Mary Kohlenberg
F5M Marketing Group
Yahoo IM: MaryAtLakeside
Skype: CSES-intl

Strangers are simply friends we haven’t met. If you aren’t a part of my circle of friends, please invite me.
Carol Jarvis

228 Posts
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Re: Team for Diamond Elite
3/9/2008 11:04:36 AM
Hi Mary,

Thanks, I have sent you an invitation to join the team.

Just as a quick note, to be on the team, the invitation has to be accepted, that can be done by going to a tab in your account called My Account and then on the right side you will see Team Invitation, and that is where you can accept the invitation.

The points add up really quickly there, but it will really get our presence seen in net marketing.

With best wishes

Ellen Barns

92 Posts
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Re: Team for Diamond Elite
3/10/2008 2:09:44 AM
Hello Carol I am already a member of Trafficera and would love to join your team Please send me the invitation. My Trafficera username: success101 Thanks Ellen
We help those who can't sponsor or have lost their contacts through failed networks
Carol Jarvis

228 Posts
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Re: Team for Diamond Elite
3/10/2008 3:32:47 PM
Hi Ellen,

Sorry to be so long, just got home from work.

Will send the invite

Ellen Barns

92 Posts
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Re: Team for Diamond Elite
3/10/2008 3:51:44 PM
Many thanks,Carol Ellen
We help those who can't sponsor or have lost their contacts through failed networks