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Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #25
3/3/2008 4:02:03 PM


Awesome Exhibition so many use of colors very vibrant ,Very nice work Ryan Thank you for sharing some of your work with us Keep up your success Gods speed :-) Lee

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #25
3/3/2008 5:29:14 PM

Way to go Ladies.  This was a nice little break from the work load o fnetworking.  Very refreshing work ! !  I have never seen digital art by an idenfied arts.  Its just great Ryan.

I like the realisim of the castles--Warrier Kingdom and Paradise. My other choice is Symphony which has  good use of design and color. 

Nice to meet you and your art Ryan.

Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #25
3/3/2008 6:06:37 PM
Hi Jenny, I'm very happy you like my artwork. Thanks so much for the compliments. If you have any questions regarding anything at all, please feel free to ask.
Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #25
3/3/2008 6:20:49 PM
I was going to respond personally to everyones comments individually, but then realized that will take a great deal of time, so I would like to extend a warm welcome to every person who has left a comment, and say thank you very much for all of your wonderful and generous comments. As I said above, if anyone has any questions regarding anything at all, please feel free to ask. Digital art isn't as well known a medium as oil, watercolor, pencil, etc, and the process of creation is remarkably different. Where most artists work with a two dimensional space, I work within a three dimensional space, creating the entire world and then taking a virtual snapshot of a section of that world. It is a wonderful process, although complex, and I enjoy it immensely!
Rose Enderud

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Re: Art Exhibitions at Adlandpro #25
3/3/2008 7:07:41 PM
Hello Ryan,
I want to thank you for allowing us to feature your work. It is wonderful and I had a great time putting the forum together.
Thank you