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____Jet Fuel Coming Soon, EnRgy!
3/1/2008 10:52:20 PM

____Jet Fuel Coming Soon, EnRgy!


Hi ,


 I discovered a company with a truly unique p.ay plan. It was

designed for the average person to succeed. You know the little

guy, not just the "Heavy Hitter." Hitters can make it in any plan,

but to create true, walk-away residual income, you need a plan

where the ordinary, everyday average person can love the product he

or she is buying and make enough m.oney to keep on buying it. That's

what this company had. In spades!


I joined the company because of the p.ay plan, plain and simple. It

had to make sense, and it did.

This company actually p.ays out 50% of every sale to the field.

That's huge! Now most companies I've researched pay out a

percentage of their profits. This is 50% of the actual s.ale p.rice

of every s.ale. And there's full compression, eliminating all

breakage. As you know, breakage is where companies manage to keep

what they said they would p.ay out. It simply doesn't happen here.


One of the other beauties of this p.ay plan is that it only takes

two personal s.ales to qualify for the top p.ay level in the company.

That's right, just two! I'm sure you're aware that the average

person in this industry recruits 2.7 people into their company. So

here was the first time that I'd seen where anyone and everyone

could become the equivalent of a "Diamond," or a "President," or

whatever other companies call their top p.ay level positions. Also,

those other company positions almost always require huge personal

recruiting minimums and even larger group s.ales volumes. Not h.ere.

Two s.ales, that's it. And the p.rice point of the s.ale is only

$19.95. Unbelievable!


And what does $19.95 get you? For starters, you get a month's

supply of an amazing, liquid multi-vitamin and mineral,

anti-oxidant, totally comprehensive state-of-the-art health

product. It's literally like taking 10 different products in one.

The product retails for $59.95, but on auto-ship, it's only $19.95.

And it comes with a 60-day m.oney back g.uarantee. You also get the

M.LM distributorship b.usiness and the state-of-the-art web site for

free. Just for trying the product. How many other companies charge

people just to become a distributor? I lost count long ago. F.ree

just makes sense.


Now about this amazing p.ay plan that has provided all this success

for me, it's called a 2X10 Regenerating Matrix. And no one else can

duplicate it simply because it's copyrighted. I've never seen, or

experienced anything like it. As far as p.ay plans go, I have found

that :unilevels are too hard for the average person to succeed at -

no one can get the duplication to progress far enough down their

levels to succeed; stair step break-always actually punish you for

building a team - making you start all over again at each new

break-away point; binaries that require balancing definitely stack

the odds against the majority of people - in fact, they actually

implode if and when they ever get too balanced because the

companies are counting on breakage; standard forced matrixes are

not attractive to the heavy hitters because they cap your in.come

when the matrix is filled.


So what is so different about this copyrighted Regenerating Matrix?

It's a 2X10 Matrix which forces growth down under the existing team

(average members love the spill-over) but it also has something

totally unique, called P.ay-Points. Every time you make a s.ale after

your first two, that new customer is place directly beneath a new

p.ay position for you, a P.ay-Point. And that P.ay-Point with the new

customer attached to it, is placed in your existing 2X10 matrix.

Since every new P.ay-Point starts its own 2X10 matrix, you can be

p.aid for unlimited levels. But more importantly, as your P.ay-Points

fall underneath each other, you can get p.aid many, many times on

the same s.ale. I actually have whole teams that I get p.aid 8 times

on every product s.old. And this happens every month because

everyone is on auto-ship in order to get the $19.95 p.rice and the

f.ree business and web site. And with such an a.mazing product at

such an unbelievable price, why would anyone quit to p.ay more

somewhere else for an inferior product. That's why we're enjoying

99% retention.


And as if that wasn't enough, there's a whole separate Car and

Mortgage bonus plan in addition to the 2X10 Regenerating Matrix.

The Car and Mortgage Bonus plan p.ays you $5 on every product

purchased by every one of your personal customers. Not just on

every customer, but on every product. Every s.ale, every month,



This company has a revolutionary new business philosophy. It's

built its whole plan around a great product, p.riced at below

wholesale club p.ricing, with the easiest p.ay-plan qualification and

the maximum p.ay-out back to the field. The name of the game h.ere is

volume. What an easy s.ale, $19.95 for a $59.95 product with a

60-day m.oney back g.uarantee and a f.ree business and web site. Maybe

that's why we're creating such huge volume so quickly. Anyone can

do it!


NOW H.ERE'S THE REALLY INTERESTING PART! The company that formulated

this totally one-of-a-kind product, the company that created this

copyrighted p.ay-plan, the company that by it's revolutionary new

business philosophy has attracted thousands of people to our team

and tens of thousands of people altogether, this company is none

other than GBG.


I know you get a lot of b.usiness of.fers, some good and

Some not good at all.


I have been working with the c.ompany for the last

few months that is just exploding.


This one is a keeper and I would re.commend it

For everyone.  It's easy, its fun and it can

Make you w.ealthy.


Please read on for 2 important updates to this

Ground breaking c.ompany.


It has a c.opyrighted p.ay plan.


This company is adding a another super food to its

10 in One formula.


This is brand new and we are one of the first c.ompanies

To m.arket this new ingredient. You get this 10 in One multi

Vitamin and mineral forumla with 5 Super Foods included for o.nly




Amalaki is the keystone of Zrii's formulation because it is the

botanical for cellular rejuvenation. But we are not the first to

see its benefits. For centuries, this small fruit, which grows in

the fertile soil at the base of the Himalayas, has often been

considered the most effective source for, among other things,

promoting cellular rejuvenation, enhancing immune function, and

increasing vitality.

More recently, many of these miraculous benefits have been

explained, as scientists and nutritionists around the world have

documented its properties and unique makeup. However, we still use

only the purest, whole-food source of amalaki found anywhere in the

world, grown where it originated, fed by the cleanest air and water

on the planet. Furthermore, the fruit is wildcrafted, a harvesting

technique where the amalaki is taken from trees as they are found

in nature, hand-picked according to ancient techniques.


New Product

I have not tried this yet, but will be getting this soon.


My sponsor and our group is one of the fastest growing teams in

GBG.  He received s.amples from the c.ompany and was Sharing some

with his friends.  He said they were beating down his door for

more. This is a new formula that that no other c.ompany has and





       Raises energy + Reduces appetite*


Looking for energy?  Many people, saddled with high stress jobs,

too much information, inadequate nutrition and not enough time, are

seeking help to energize their lives.  When visiting a health food

store for the first time, their common complaint is that they feel

listless, tired and come seeking a natural solution to add vitality

to their day. 


We believe that enRgy(TM) is the answer!


When fatigue is experienced, many sufferers go for carbohydrates or

sugar to give them an energy boost.  The consumption of a high

caloric snack will provide temporary benefits, but the long term

result is roller-coaster energy levels and weight gain.


We believe that enRgy(TM) is the answer!


Regular exercise will invigorate the body over time.  However,

getting started is the challenge for most today.  The comment "I do

not have the energy to exercise" prevents most from ever getting



We believe that enRgy(TM) is the answer!


You will be energized throughout the day and with reduced appetite,

eat less.  The combination of increased energy and activity as well

as reduced caloric intake leads to successful weight loss!  Achieve

your goals with energy and appetite control! 


Combined with a healthy food plan with reduced caloric intake (that

includes GBG's 10-in-One Liquid Multi-Formula), exercise and 8

glasses of water a day, leads to a healthier you!  Eat Less!  Weigh



enRgy(TM) - Raises e.nergy + Re.duces appetite*

Turns off your hunger switch!  Eat Less!  Weigh Less!

Gain control over food, don't let food control you!

Elevates mood - Helps resist fattening foods!

Ramps up your workouts for real results!

Save $ on your monthly food budget!

Smooth flow of energy - no crash!


Listen to last nights call on the company and the New Products!


I would love to work with you.


Join the fastest growing team in GBG, The A-Team!


This is a great company to work with!

Lorna Thurston


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