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Sue Dietrich

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Re: Our Site Stats at Tangisurf.
12/14/2008 5:59:09 PM

Hats off to Becky the Tangisurf site is totally awesome :)  I thought I would take a moment to get in here and post it. I know I have not been around much but as you all know what its like Supervising Retail this time of year. I am still a nosey woman and pay attention try to do what I can when I can.

I will be totally busy the next couple weeks but I will be around. Everyone keep smiling,

Peaches :)

Dennis Clairmont

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Re: Our Site Stats at Tangisurf.
12/14/2008 6:54:42 PM
Hello Becky

First to Becky what you are doing with TangiSurf is Truly Above and Beyond The Call it Duty.

Hivers this Lady has worked her fingers to the Bone to Build TangiSurf for Us.

Now all Of You Have Gold Accounts in TangiSurf Plus an Equal Share of the Profits.

You all Have those viralurl's and afilliate Url's.If you want them go back a few pages in this forum there posted.

We Launch Tomorrow the 15th to make our surf site work It's time to post those ads to
our Tangi Site.

AD 1

Your Targeted Traffic Solution for Real Products

If you've had a tough time promoting your real tangible products, we can help you get the traffic you need.

Click here to find out more.

Ad 2

Get the Real Thing!

Tangible products are the real thing, but how do you promote them in a way that sells?

We have the solution. First of it's kind.

Click here.

Ad 3

Solution to all your traffic problems

Any site can sell if you get enough visitors, but how do you do that without spending a fortune? Here's one way.Click here for the solution to all your traffic problems.
Click here

To The Beez

What are you waiting for some of you have signed up and have not even surfed.Others are surfing and doing there parts on this adventure.Tangi will auto Delete inactive accounts.We Launch tomorrow Dec 15 let's make this a Tangi Ad Fest till we have posted Tangi to All the Net.It's time to get to work at what we do (Promote).

Make Us Proud


I am invested in an investment peogram that pays safe high profits
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Our Site Stats at Tangisurf.
12/14/2008 7:19:08 PM
Greetings Bees, lets show our Becky how wonderful she really is, she is showcased this week , thank you guys :) 
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Re: Our Site Stats at Tangisurf.
12/14/2008 7:21:02 PM
Thanks Dennis, I just wanted to add to this a bit. Some of you have expressed that you don't know how or where to promote. This is really a little sad considering that we've had the hive team up this long and have had all these resources to use for promoting. Right now I'm on the silent side of the internet without a mic or headphones or speakers since I don't have the ports I need, but I'm getting some headphones in a few days and I want to start getting some training for us on how to use some of the things we have available. The hardest part of launching any site is getting new members who will understand how to use it to it's fullest and building downlines for everyone involved. Some of you have already brought in some new members and that's awesome, but for those who haven't been trained in promoting sites we need to get on the ball and start mentoring and helping those people. Word of mouth is usually the best way, so if you know someone on skype, yahoo messenger or msn, or you can e-mail a few friends who could use some quality traffic, then by all means send them your link and give them the opportunity to come and check us out. We really don't need tire kickers though. If they're just going to come in and sign up and then let their accounts go inactive, that's not going to look good on our stats pages. This is truly a one of a kind traffic exchange and it's going to grow with us. One of the most innovative things about it is that it's driven by ip, and that means that the traffic is truly live. You're not getting a lot of useless hits that are just from a mechanical perspective. The hits are unique. You don't get credits for the same visit over and over. So the credits aren't being wasted like in some traffic exchanges. When you surf your credits are there until someone actually visits your site and actually views your pages. If your credits are going away it's because your sites are being viewed and then you can know for sure that you're going to get signups and you can adjust your campaigns by the amount of hits they're getting and if you're not getting the results you want in a certain amount of time you can change to something else. I recommend that if you want to promote your tangisurf url in other traffic exchanges that you try to find manual surf instead of auto. This will get your site more visits and not just hits. Also if you're using safelists, or blogs or whatever else you use, try to find some that have around 200 members or less. Why? Because those are the ones with the newest members and will be more responsive to your ads than the ones that have thousands of members. Believe it or not, slower is better. Blasting out ads to millions is mainly just a way to get people to buy the blasters. They're very rarely any good for promoting something new because all members are doing the same thing and are probably filtering the ads to their junk box. If we can all get these ads to a few smaller lists and surf in a few manual exchanges for about thirty minutes a day, I think we'll start to see more new members coming in. Remember this one thing, Tangisurf belongs to YOU. And it's up to you to build it into what will make YOU money. Becky
DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
Andy Riemer

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12/14/2008 8:28:53 PM

Hello bees,

Thank you very much to Becky for all of the work she has put into Tangisurf. This has been working very well for me so far and there are a lot of features that we haven't even tapped into yet. And congratulations on being featured on the Sunday showcase!!


Andrew J. Riemer Worker Bees needed to help fill our hive with honey ... we'll share the profits with the ones who can bring it home. Apply here:

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