Thank you for the payment you sent my way, Den Den. I am especially grateful. Your hard work is paying off which is great to see in any of the beez efforts.
I have finished my Management Business and Leadership class. There are 2 more things that need to be graded before the Professor gets around to the final grade. It's been a great class. Now I am challenged with College Algebra for the next 5 weeks.
I'm doing what I can with Hive Biz. The Hive Swarm Safelist is growing very well. There's more to learn in there as well.
I think there will be no probablem for me to attend the Manager's Meeting on Friday as scheduled. I see no conflicts in my schedule for that Day. Thank you Len & Peaches for planning ahead enough for all us to see.
God bless you all Beez ! Have a fun but safe holiday weekend.