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Joyce Sanders

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8/7/2008 3:03:06 PM

You are so right ! People should check out these programs the best they can before joining them.  mlmwatchdog is a great site for doing this.  They report what is going on and do not have a vested interested in bashing any program.  They only are trying to help people not get involved in scams.

Keep on Keepin' on, Peaches !

Your friend,


8/7/2008 5:28:56 PM
Hello Bees

The Meeting went quite well and very qiuckly.We didn't have time to go through all but we have this to report

The G2 Programs voted on  YES to Keep NO To Terminate

G2 Programs

Multi-Pure YES

Xooma NO

Money School  ON HOLD

Include this info w/ Money School:
Sponsor seating #448 Terrydonebiz

Target Pro Blaster YES

Avon NO

Total Team Profit (for G-2) YES

All-Teamed-Up (for G-2) YES

my-mlmtoolkit  YES

Blast Extravaganza YES 

Thanks Beez

Lee Smith

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8/7/2008 8:12:55 PM
I really do not like to be one of the people throwing a monkey wrench in the latest posted outcome of business meetings; however, I do think that because of the post, I need to respond.

Previous to this meeting, the G2 Managers had a meeting.  This consisted of 4 persons with one attending later in the evening.  At which time, it was discussed and whittled down (a rather draining meeting, but one that was believed to be a successful outcome.) to ONE program. .. WE promote ONE program.

From reading the above, I count way more than one.  Which means, that the meeting that was held previous to this one last night was just canned and not even given the chance to get started.

I am sorry, but, I am rather confused.  I was under the impression that we'd be trying out a test, so to speak, and that test was to have  all G2 members promoting the url for the extravaganza blaster program only --- utilizing all platforms of marketing possible.

 If the programs above are designed to help us promote, that is one thing, if they are asking us to join and promote their link, then we are trailing off into different directions... again.  If they are requiring a 'small' fee for upgrading,etc, again, we are trailing off into different directions. I have nothing against keeping avenues open for promotion.  but to promote those avenues in addition to the main focus of a selling tool, seems to dilute the purpose intended.

The above recap post on last nights meeting merely indicates that the some of the G1 members and managers have voted to revamp the meeting and decisions of the G2 managers meeting held a few days before.

 It is like the managers of G1 (some of them) are telling G2 what is best for G2...when G2 already made this decision.. to promote ONE url, the blaster software program that Terry purchased under Joyce. 

We only need the url for the sales link that reflects Terry's referral/sale for this software purchase. 

All G2 members would then focus on promoting that sales link (exclusively) to see determine this can turn revenue into the group.  With the above post, not to be critical, but it defines this decision as non existant from my review.

As a G1 manager and a G2 manager.  I do not feel that these additional re-added promos for the G2 team can help the focusing aspect which seems to be the problem we called the meeting on in the first place. Having too many programs to choose from, makes a person choose not to decide at all.

Currently, we were awaiting the domain verifications from Terry before given the link to promote. Terry indicated that Joyce can help us with Terry's resell link.  I am waiting on that information and hope that someone can post a reply with the information needed.

Again, the focus of the team still appears to be scattered allbeit programs you wish to stand behind. The demand for networkers is definitely in getting their programs and/or services sold.  Joining all of them defeats the purpose as we are then expected to promote thier links, instead of selling them all the tools we know they need.

We might as well throw in all the programs we deleted for the number of choices I see given in the above list already.what's a few more?

This is NOT the point... and I am certainly not asking to add the programs taken out. .. but just for a scenario.. the above denotes more than one program which is not what the G2 managers decided. It makes it confusing to be promoting so many sites.  Put em all on one page.. that's fine too - when the person gets there they see too many and off they click.

Sorry to be the one to raise this issue but because I was part of the original G2 meeting about what to get rid of and what to keep, given that the Commando in the HIVE told me that we'd go with ONE program and to choose wisely.. this just doesnt make any sense .. continue to do what you are doing and expect different results.. we all know what that means.

Thomas Richmond

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8/7/2008 10:26:25 PM
Did G2 make a decision on what they want? Maybe i should attend these meetings, one thing is clear i want all BEES and managers to work together for the good of the hive teams, managing is like looking after ones oil gusher, you have to look after it from time to time making sure its doing its job correctly, if you want something done in order then keep them in order like a posted schedual with these meetings. SO now one is confused need we have another? Some comments on this please, thank you.
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8/7/2008 11:16:48 PM
I must admit that even tho I had attended the last G2 Meeting that Lee has a valid comment on the status of G2.

It was a very productive meeting in which only G2 Managers were to do their best and use their knowledge and wisdom to make the best decision for G2.  We were drained to say the least and after being been told by a consultant that came to Our Hive Team and somehow was very influencial in Our Hive Team and G2 Managers final strategic mangement decision we felt the  consultant was correct in his view and that is how we decided and made our vote.  Since then this consultant who was going to be a part of our team has come and gone like a big wind that blew through.

What we are dealing with now is the aftermath.  We are now invalidated  from our results in the first meeting and in all actuality our votes should stand and the 2nd meeting be invalid, null and void.

The managers from G2 should not be bullied into other meetings that G2 has not scheduled on their own.  G2 should have the right to have their votes count and be independent from G1.

Just because G2 isn't moving at the speed of light is no reason for G2 managers to not work independently at their own speed without pressure so the creative juices aren't stiffled.

I appreciate all that Sue(Peaches)mbrings to G2 but having meeting that are redundant, our votes discounted, and being micromanaged is not how I am able to work with my best given to the team.

On another note:  Hive Swarm Safe-list is in operation and has 28 members at last count.  The first 50 in, get Pro membership, which means more mailings and more mailing credits.  We have a disclaimer and privacy policy.  Thanks to Steve who worked yesterday morning with me and is my first Executive level lifetime member as his reward. 

Hive Swarm Safelist is here:

Enjoy!   (Also a work in progress)

God bless,

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