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8/5/2008 4:54:31 PM
I have started to write my post on a couple of ocassions but the words just did not seem to want to come.  How easily other times are for them.  Hope you all understand that I am going through multiple things at one time and the balancing act is very difficult.  The more going on around me with a heavier load than I'm used to is making things a little confusing.  Frankly. I get tired easily and can't keep up all the time.

I need some time with what I have going at the moment.  We have a safelist.  I need some time to read the e-book.  (Most of you know that I'm in my degree program.  I'm late on my individual project which was due Sunday at 11:59 pm.  Two point are taken off every day, so if I ws going to get an 'A' on it anyway, the good news is I can still get an 'A', but I need to bust my tail.  You guys, I've already done my 'panic time';  it's now time to get serious and get it done.)

I'm glad to see Sue, here, to help out, with G2.  I'm happy with that.  Sue, I'm behind you 100%.  I had been  suggesting a another meeting with G2, anyway but glad we'll have your talent to enhance what there is now.  We have a great group and with your talents brought in it will make things more fine-tuned.  It will be great to see G2 moving with great strides after just learning to walk and cutting teeth.  Group 2 will be a Giant just like it's predecessor.  Godspeed G 2.  We'll get it down, Hive Team.  You'll see our faces shining soon enough.  Our faces and hands are pretty dirty at the moment but let us get cleaned up.  We'll be ready soon.  We'll be dressed up & you'll be able to take us out on the town. 

Hope everyone is well & doing great.

God bless,


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8/5/2008 6:58:40 PM
Thanks Sue for the update yes a meeting tomorrow is fine i'll try to attend if i get back on time.

Yep Thomas i'll Fill you in like i always do.

Teresa i know being a team manager can be a tough job.Can suck the Brain right through your eye sockets at times.You ever get that feeling.That's why i salute all Hive Managers.We can also have fun like Sue says fun marketing.You wake up an the morning ready to go this is the way to feel on a Team.

Meeting ideas  Recruiting  , Programs ,Advertising  . General duties .

Thomas Richmond

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8/5/2008 7:18:45 PM
Terry i know its tiresome at times, we all feel the effect one way or the other, there are more obligations in being a hive manager yes but its mostly relevant to what you hive members are doing in helping us get noticed. I thank you Terry for your dutys as G2 HM and for the other G2 HM's your doing a fantastic job in staying in touch with us all. You know sometimes i feel that Dennis could be my Canadian lost brother by the way we communicate at times LOL. Thanks Buddy! SO in having said these things about Hive managers we chosen so many to a team because of these reasons, some may need to take a break at times and we feel that its perfectly normal my opinion, feel free to contact me at anytime and i will respond, any of you Hive members. Have a good evening BEES! :) HM THOMAS
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Donald Rich

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8/5/2008 8:54:31 PM

Hi Hivers , Just checking in To Let you know I have been Bizzy. Super SEO Submitter has been the Tagget .


Kevin Doolittle

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8/5/2008 8:55:38 PM

Hello Beez,

Welcome to our new G2 members.

Just a note:

I will be waiting for another day or so to put up what I have for the G2 team. I still need banner information for Avon and Xooma. Also, does the G2 team have their own Logo? I will add it to the page header.

I will duplicate the Splash pages that I have for G1 for G2 specials. Let me know what you want featured and I will put it on the Gold Pages. Does G2 have their own main page? I could use that URL if they do.

I am putting G1 Hive ads in rotators so I can distribute the traffic on more exchanges. Unfortunately not all of them accept rotators as they make it harder to police the sites.

Reading the posts I can't get a feel for what program(s) we should be pushing more that others. A little help here G1. You can Skype me. Thanks.

All for now.



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