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Thomas Richmond

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7/16/2008 8:44:58 PM
More reqrueting ads went out today :) perhaps i'll get a bite! I think that bridge Dennis is talking about is to far for us to see at this moment but it will happen if all full hive team members agree to keep active and post in this forum, i dont mind telling newbies where to post, no problem, part of a HM anyway, lets all pull as a team and make what we started a success so we all can go that extra mile and become a swarm of Honey Makers!! My SS is free to all full hive members to get there links on all search engines, i have posted about this before but i have asked to send me a pm cuz i didnt want everyone thinking its free, its not, i'll lose alot of money that way, its only free to you full hive members, now i'll be in trouble for posting this LOL. Surfs Up! HM Thomas :)
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Lee Smith

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7/16/2008 9:02:07 PM
Keep the forum Becky.  I have several reasons why.  No. 1, there are quite a few reputable sites out there that have, because of reputation, created one or two forums for additional access.  Keeping this well-created forum, specially designed for the HIVE,  showing both G1 and G2 teams makes sense.  It is not being done to discount AdlandPro... but what it does denote is that ONLY HIVE members can go there and post. To not want this is goes against the cmu7 theory.  Cmu7 has a thread here but also has a private forum chat area, as well.  Why not the HIVE team?  KEEP this forum. It's classy, it's nice and easy to navagate.  

Also, this created Hive-team forum has much more of an angle of control for accessing threads than adlandpro.. as we all can admit that on a few occasions we will have had  issues getting into this one or into adland, in general.  Even when I had no computer issues, and could navagate the net, there were times I tried to reply to a thread here for the HIVE team, and had problems with doing that.... albeit a temporary issue, but yet another reason this specially created forum should be kept in place. 

It's nice to have a second area forum for the HIVE exclusively, and outside the realm of an entire community promoting things you do not want posted here.

 That, and, this also marks the growth our team and a need for a private forum...Everyone should be so lucky!

Hostess BEE - Full Hive Team Member

Andy Riemer

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7/16/2008 9:29:43 PM
Hi Becky, Actually I don't think it is too confusing to have the programs listed here. Having all of the information in one place is easier than in two separate forums. And the one forum keeps the Hive working together as one group.
Andrew J. Riemer Worker Bees needed to help fill our hive with honey ... we'll share the profits with the ones who can bring it home. Apply here:
7/16/2008 10:10:48 PM
I agree with you on this being the main hive forum. The only thing about the other one is we can  have seperate forums in it like for g2 programs, g1 programs, and g1 and g2 members, plus we can see how much activity there is and we're also building an organization of people from the membership of the surf program. It's not just for the hive team, but it will bring new people into the hive team as well as the forum here at adland pro as we link it up. Also we have Larry's forum and we should be linking up to that as well.
Traffic is what we need the most. Can we get all the traffic we need from Adland Pro or can we get more if we branch out and expose our sites to the masses?

DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
7/16/2008 10:57:44 PM
I like to see this type of discussion here.
This is what makes us a step above the rest. We care about our members enough to get their opinions on things and not just jump in and do things without asking.

We also have the ning group. Len has been helping us keep up with that as well. We can set up instructional videos and have discussions and add pictures and other applications there, just like any other social network. Another thing that we can do is set up groups and profiles in other social networks to get more exposure to our hive team. The more we spread out and let people know about our program the better. That give us more people who will want to invest, as well as people who will support us and give us more and more exposure. The internet is a big place. The more people who know about us the better. We shouldn't be afraid of branching out. We can always add more teams and get bigger and bigger and still keep our integrity. Our Hive Team is a great concept that needs to be given top billing in other programs. And the only way to do this is to get us out there for all the world to see.

Also we've found a couple of things that seem to be selling well, but do we want to limit ourselves to just these few items? With more members we can have a lot more things to sell and more things to promote and each team can be in charge of their own programs and resell rights properties. There are hundreds of reputable programs out there for us to work with. We need to start putting bees in charge of looking, bees in charge of promoting, bees in charge of sales, etc... and the more bees we recruit through networking in other networks the more we'll have to take make the workload lighter for us all. We can limit the team size to 24 per team, but as each of us goes out and sets up profiles and works to make new friends and gets word about our hive team out to more and  more places, we'll see growth, we'll see progress and we'll see profit for the entire hive. Isn't that what we want?
DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?

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