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Thomas Richmond

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7/8/2008 11:06:54 AM
Time to get a mother and put her in your tower aye Larry? LOL. Keep in touch! Great to see Len and Kevin D at our ATU meeting yesterday, a few of you hive members were there, makes me very happy to see that. Thanks for dropping by! Hope you liked what you've heard so far, theres another this Thursday so keep buzzin around perhaps you'll get another Honey rush and listen in again! :) Keep that Honey Sweet!! Fellow Bees :) HM Thomas
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Donald Rich

1529 Posts
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7/8/2008 3:29:44 PM
Thanks for the Link Len, I've installed it. Now I'm off to Post more. Bee Back.
7/8/2008 7:43:24 PM
Hello Hive Team,

I have a few on line based tools I've found that will greatly help all your promotions. The first 2 are provided free by Priority Digital dot Com. The 2 I am using are the Sight Disclaimer and the Privacy Policy which no site or Blog should be without. You are asked for only basic information about you site and/or Blog in each along with an e mail address for update purposes. After getting your 2 documents, you can easily add any additional clauses/ information you wish to include in them. The end results can be seen in my blog, Brand New Horizons under pages in the header box.

Next we have an "E mail Subject Analyzer" courtesy of Local News.Biz South Florida Edition.  What this tool does, once you enter your proposed Headline, is display a color graph showing problem areas in red and Green feilds. The more RED, the more the chance your e mail message would be considered Spam.

Next in line is
Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer courtesy of the Advanced Marketing Institute.
As you may have guessed from the link, this tool  shows you the EMV of your headline. It uses three areas to display the types of groupw your headline would appeal to;




By playing aoround with the wording of your headline, you can increase or decrease these areas. The higher the EMV, the more likely your e mail or Adverisement is to be read let alone be acted on, and Conversion is what we all are looking for.

Finally the last 2 tools are  related to the dreaded "Keywords"!  One by Word Tracker, and the othe, of course, by Google.

Using these tools on a continuing basis in all your promotional endeavors may not guarantee everything will work out "Perfectly", but it wil ensure that more of them are at least being read and some of them being responded to in a favorable manner.  " Success is like learning to walk; One Step At A Time"

Steven G. Reid
Steven G. Reid Wallaby Traffic CMU7 WTC W
7/8/2008 9:44:27 PM
Hello again Hive members. It was brought to my attention that one of the tool links  returned an error message. Not sure where the mix up was in the link creation, so here's the full url for Advanced Marketing Institute. The "Linked" name in previous post returns with "Internal Server" error message.

Tha link will work. My apologies to all

Steven G. Reid Wallaby Traffic CMU7 WTC W
7/9/2008 5:38:25 PM
New G2 Program   !!!!!!

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Anja Wiznerowicz
2008-07-09 17:26:49
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2008-07-09 17:01:49
George Denteh
2008-07-09 16:35:21
Shaunette LaBeet-Harris
2008-07-09 15:56:14
Betty Kinikin
2008-07-09 15:03:29
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2008-07-09 10:04:11
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2008-07-09 08:38:32
2008-07-09 06:17:52
John Dawson
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