While I am not yet a member, I have a suggestion for
the "HIVE" I for one spend too much and get too little.
But here is a program that is Free Forever, REALLY,
and will allow each to build both bucks and friends,
for no up front cash, and no down the road expense.
We all have something to sell, right?
One of our purposes is to help each other
in the quest for traffic, info and $$$.
I suggest each of us look at this one
if only out of curiosity!
AN INCREDIBLE Opportunity That is Free to Join
ZENZUU A Free Online Social Network ZenZuu
Wants to share 80% of it’s WorldWide advertising
Revenue with it’s active members
ZenZuu is easy to do. Always FREE to join.
Sign up free at http://www.zenzuu.com/JoeDavis/signup.htm
Thank you for your time, Joe