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Lee Smith

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Re: Our Easy Hive Toolkit Mass Mailer System
7/1/2008 12:50:13 PM
I recommend that we utilize the talents of Terry for the verbage of the ads.  She is excellent and I also offer up my input on the ads, as well, for reviewing.  Unfortunately, at this time, I am not able to purchase much of anything but would like to help out where needed.  Just let me know what you need me to do.

Re: Our Easy Hive Toolkit Mass Mailer System
7/1/2008 5:36:06 PM
Thank you, Lee for your recommendation of me for helping with the ads.  With you as my editor I believe we can do a great job for the team.  I accept the job for this and offer my talents as such if chosen.  I'll do an exemplary job with Lee at my side, I'm sure we won't disappoint anyone.   We want what will be effective ads that will give us the results we desire and that is to bring in not only the honey but maybe we'll attract some new bees to Our Hive Team, that will help build the biggest Hive Team we can build.  Just give me something you want me to work with and tell me how you want it done.  We'll git 'r done!  Oh, buddy, yeah!!

God bless

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Re: Our Easy Hive Toolkit Mass Mailer System
7/1/2008 5:55:07 PM
 Hello Beez

$10 Contest For Our New Bulk Mailer

Whoever writes the EasyHive Toolkit Mass Power Mailer Can Start Now.

As a Matter of Fact i'll Make this a little Contest.$10 to the winner with the best content for the Mailer.

We will pick a winner and can use others Content to be added also.I will not pussyfoot around and say it's good if it isn't.I want the BomB Ad to place on the Website Something that will sell.With The Winners Content and Good Stuff from others  We should end up with an Awsom Webpage to Really have this Mailer Take Off with a Bullet.

Happy Writeing  Blow the Doors off the place with a New Mailer Kickass Webpage.


Rev Your Engines Start Now !!!!!!!!

Re: Our Easy Hive Toolkit Mass Mailer System
7/1/2008 6:03:24 PM
Hello Beez

As Promised To G2

I Have Sent Len  $100 to invest for The Hive G2

Go G2 Best Wishes in your investment

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Our Easy Hive Toolkit Mass Mailer System
7/1/2008 6:09:20 PM
Thanks Dennis :)  G2 got a contest going pretty cool :) great bonus too!! :)
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