Great News!! Everyone!!
This is from Dennis Gerron of the Money School!!!
Hi Teresa, I like the idea. I just need to know a little bit more about what you would want me to commit to outside of benefactoring a position, which of itself, is no problem at all? Thanks, Dennis [12:47:39 PM] Adrian (tntess) Castle says: Hin Terry, One other thing, weell, actually two I guess. LOL First, I placed your Prime Finance Banner on the SDS Money School site for you, under "Funding Resources." Second, while I was on that page, it reminded aboput the World Wide Loan Club, which might fit well into what you are doing. Check it out and let me know what you think. In case you run into a funding crunch, as many of us do from time to time, here are some resources that may help. World Wide Loan Club 2007
This is a very unique, and interesting concept. Everyone is approved for these loans, once you meet 2 criteria;
1) Pay the $100 fee to join
2) Refer 2 people who do the same
Now, before you back up and run from your computer clutching your wallet (LOL), take a look at the benefits of accomplishing these 2 goals.
You would leverage $100 into an additional monthly income of $1500 in 6 months.
You could leverage $500 into an additional monthly income of $7500 in 6 months.
In both cases, the monthly income stream grows larger beginning with month 7 and beyond.
Would you like to do this without having to fill a matrix or complete a cycle?
If so, then the World Wide Loan Club, may be just the solution you're looking for. This is from Dennis Gerron of the Money School!!!