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6/12/2008 8:43:36 AM
Thank you Lisa for your warm welcome!!  And Welcome back to Our Hive Team!! where I wish you the best in success with your marketing efforts for the benefit of us all!   I am very happy to bee here and learning marketing better than I have anywhere else.

The Hive Team is starting to take some notice and making its presence known by exposure in any place possible without spamming anyone, we can;  it is necessary to keep growth going at a steady pace.  We have great people on our team with great personalities and talents to offer.

God bless

Everyone have a great day adverstising, surfing, and getting the word out...  ---That is what us Beez do.  We do, Bee.  LOL


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Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Top 25 Poster
Person Of The Week
6/12/2008 9:07:58 AM
Greetings Hive team, before i start work today i wanted to say thank you Lisa, Terry, Becky, Larry n Dennis and the rest of the hive team for an enourmious support you have for each other as i just witnessed a support for my dear friend Diane B. You guys are really something, thank you! Now get out there and promote busy bees!! LOL :) God_bless you. Thomas R.
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Lee Smith

293 Posts
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6/12/2008 9:15:03 AM
Good Day HIVE TEAM!  It was a great time on skype yesterday afternoon well into the late hours.  Much discussion, consistent movement forward and excitement in abundment!  We welcome every HIVE team join member to our never ending Skype chats.

If you dont quite know how to get there - go to download the 'free' version.  Contact the Hostess BEE.  Her skype is enterpriselady1.  add me, then I will add you to the group chats. 

Yesterday there were HIVE members posting ads at the prime time designated for reaching viewers.  I especially liked the Craigs List format for posting   Soon after posting, I received notification that the ad would be going out within 15 minutes.  We have many methods for advertising.  I was even allowed to put the 'Go Hive' song in my ad!

We are expanding and we are all excited.  No where on the net will you find a better bunch of people to associate yourself with.

If you're working in other networking communities, that's great.. how is it working out for you?  Come join the HIVE Team and see the difference.

Group 2, promoting a variety of additional web businesses, has officially started.  Those joining the HIVE team in the month of June will be in Group II.  We do work together - Both Group 1 and Group 2 and all of us are available for help.

All those that join are a very important part of the momentum.  We know that you've been networking for a while and we know that some of you are relatively new to it.  We have instructional ways to be active and all you need to do is make your inquiry with any one of the full HIVE Team members.

It really is a great feeling to go to your inbox and read about the progress we are making.  Everyday there's something there to smile about.

Hostess BEE
Thomas Hyndman

46 Posts
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Just checking in
6/12/2008 6:51:03 PM
Good day/evening everyone,

Just checking in. Looks like the bees are busy. The reason I say
this is because the chat room has been very quiet. Nothing like
yesterday. OMG

I check in every day just don't always post. Just like to see what's

Posted to blasters and safelists today. The join the Hive letter and
MailerXP. Will do some surfing on TE's tonight.

See ya all later.

Tom Hyndman
Thomas Hyndman "Never mistake motion for action" Ernest Hemingway
6/12/2008 7:00:40 PM
Hi Beez

I have a bed time story for you all to dream about on those days that you feel low.

Want some salt on those Fries!

Or want a little Honey in that Tea!

So what is this all about salt and Honey?

It does take real people to make up any good team.
Some people join everything and never come back and wonder what's wrong with the system.Why didn't they make all that money they were all worked up about when they joined.

Where's all this success hideing that's just out of reach?

I ponder and ponder at all the people in the adlandpro community.
You have to look deep into a community to find the keys that opens there doors to the success you seek.
Only not everyone carries a key.
Do you carry a Key to a door to success?
Do you know Key Holders?
In Our Hive Team we do have Key Holders to our success i can name a few off the top of my head.
There are more Keys in the Hive than you May think.We just have to Locate and use the Knowlege  that  our Key holders offer us.
Some ppl are Key Holders and Don't even Know they  have a key  all they need  is a few more keys  to success which is right around the bend.

 You too Can look deep into a place like the Adlandpro Community all the keys are here for the taking.If you use your wits you can pick out a key holder.We have Build Our Hive Team on Trial and Error and we got lucky to find the members we have now.G2 managers say learned from G1 to where they must go to make a sucess out of our Hive Group 2. G2 count your Keys open the doors what will get G2 closer to success than you ever have been before.Find more of those ppl that may hold a Major Key.Recruit seasoned marketers that will help you and your Team.
Do not Mercy Recruit prople that need a handout.
It would please me to see you have learned from your Hive G1 experence.

Want some salt with those fries and a little Honey with your Tea.You Darn Tootin you do and if you don't have it you will Get out there and find  what you need.
At the end of the Day you'll feel you did the right thing learned something new and most important your finaly cleaning that non productive warehouse of garbage you have carried around for maybe years that kept you from  the success you seek.

Hive Bees What to you see that you didn't see 6 months ago.I read it in your post  and it's all around us.No one is lost anymore.Our Bees have located the right path we have many keys many doors are behind us and Bees Fly together.

WE CAN"T LOOSE  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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