I sort of took it on myself to do this and I'm suggesting that if it's not already posted and I'm not overstepping my bounds to say this, that everyone who is a member or wants to help spread the word at Adland Pro goes to their account in the personal section and adds this to their signature.
Our Hive Team Now Recruiting http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/thread/970870.aspx
If you already have four lines and you're a free member here then I suggest that you remove something so it will fit. My signature has already gotten me a lot of signups at CMU7 and will do the same thing for the hive I'm sure.
You can also do this in your email signature on yahoo, hotmail, or whatever so that when you send an email everyone will see it. Just keep your emails short and to the point so they don't have to scroll for miles and get bored before they see your signature.
Anyway, this might help us get more people in the hive.