Woo, hoo!! Our Hive Team ROCKs!! Beez, I'm sooooo proud of ya's. What anyone sees in this Adland Forum only is the tip of the iceberg. If anyone saw us in skypie and saw how we all move and work together they would ant to beez one of us. So, everyone... ---give yourself a pat on the back, especially Den, Den and Becky, Len, Larry, the 2 Thomas's, Sue and Dave. --- Oh, dear I'm in trouble when it comes to mentioning names, lol. Not to forget Andy and Sammy. Anyone I haven't mentioned, its due to only my bad memory but there's no one least important on the team. Look at all the support from everyone in getting Group 2 to fly independently. Wow! Guys!! Y'all are super! Brilliant, Den, Den. Becky, brillliant!!
God bless.