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Thomas Richmond

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5/31/2008 10:50:40 PM
You'll do just fine Sammy, my Super seo is temparily down at the moment, this happen before over a strong traffic weekend. No worrys shpuld be back up shortly. Thanks for the consern.
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
5/31/2008 11:18:54 PM

Congratulations to everyone who made full hive members and to the second group of busy bees, GO GET EM!

I have one question for you Dennis and Larry, now that we started group two, what does group one do from now on? Are we going to  just keep promoting the same programs or do we start weeding out the ones that aren't producing income?


DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
6/1/2008 7:35:30 AM
Hello Terry

I'm very happy to see you have stepped up to help manage OurHiveTean Group 2.
Managers of G2 need to now get together and start a program plan even before you start recruiting for the Hive G2.
To Find money makers for your team will be the 5 Managers Choice to make.I have faith in all 5 G2 mamagers to be level headed and not to go overboard with too many programs.
Traffic to your programs also needs to be discussed amonst the managers.
This is serious work you have ahead of you.Your Temps will look to you for Guide them to G2 success.
This is a new adventure for you 5 managers and i don't have to point out the work involved in this g2 mission.
5 G2 manager Beez have been sent out on this mission to build OurHiveTeam G2 like orders from the main Hive will be watching your progress and G1 will here to assist you in any way we can but G2 success is in your hands.

G2 Managers Len,Lee,Dave,Robin,Teresa

Always post G2 info in this main Hive Forum address as G2 News when referring to G2 Business.

All G2 members will be recruited as Temps at least 2 weeks you should not upgrade to quickly and place on  your G2 share list unless your sure your Temps are worthy of the Full G2 Member status.

G2 members send then to the join thread all new Hive Members go to G2 from now on G1 is full.

G2 managers are still in on ans must still work the G1 programs because you are still on the G1 profit list and will still be paid for what G1 earns.

I have paid all of you so you may think of useing your earnings wisely to Help G2 get started.
If 1 of you G2 managers wan't to donate and funds to buy in any programs once you earn your donation will be refunded.

15% of all G2 earnings goes to the Main Hive accounts to keep the Team alive same as G1 also and all Groups down the line will all pay 15% off the top to our main account.We will live ans succeed and help where help is needed.

Ok G2 managers have the G2 controls take your new G2 out there Fly like Super Beez towards the Success of your new OurHiveTeam G2 Force!!!!!

I see in my mind G2 as a new starship launched into the world wide web think of yourselves ad the Crew that desides where G2 will seekout now great G2 programs and members.

OurHiveTeam Group 2 has offically Launched!!!!!


6/1/2008 10:13:34 AM
Thank you, Dennis for choosing me as one of G2's Hive Team  Managers.  I take the position very serioiusly.  As soon as we can decide on the programs we will promote, we will be letting Our Hive Team know.  There has been some discussions on that but it has not been formally decided as yet.  We will be moving to full speed in the upcoming days.

Woo hooo!!  What do you say everyone?  Our Hive Team Group 2 has Officially been Launched!  Let's get the word out soon and Promote, Promote, Promote!  Let's get some good team beez that will work hard with us to keep the momentum.  We have lots of work that needs to be done. 

I will be available this afternoon, when everyone is ready for discussion on our programs that we will be definitely promoting and any other discusssions we need to have especially in regards to what Dennis has posted for us as a guideline.

God bless everyone!!  & Godspeed to Our Hive Team Group 2 (anyone have a bottle of bubbly for christaining(sp) the new starship?  LOL)

Have a wonderful and restful Sunday!   Congratulations Hive Team Group 2 for Officially Launching!!


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6/1/2008 10:36:05 AM

Good going people!

This is to let everyone know that from now on the price of upgrade at easyhivetoolkit is only $1! Anyone can upgrade now and they can buy as many upgrade units as they want up to $100. I'm keeping the maximum amount low to not attract big spenders trying to make a fortune off us. We don't want a lot of people throwing big money at the program just to make us go bankrupt. I think $100 is a good solid amount that will be easily attainable once our investments come through.

I'm also going to lower the amount for credits and ppc ads. So no more freebies will be given now. It's time to get serious. And at just $1 I think there will be a lot of upgrades coming in.


DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?