Thank you, Dennis for choosing me as one of G2's Hive Team Managers. I take the position very serioiusly. As soon as we can decide on the programs we will promote, we will be letting Our Hive Team know. There has been some discussions on that but it has not been formally decided as yet. We will be moving to full speed in the upcoming days.
Woo hooo!! What do you say everyone? Our Hive Team Group 2 has Officially been Launched! Let's get the word out soon and Promote, Promote, Promote! Let's get some good team beez that will work hard with us to keep the momentum. We have lots of work that needs to be done.
I will be available this afternoon, when everyone is ready for discussion on our programs that we will be definitely promoting and any other discusssions we need to have especially in regards to what Dennis has posted for us as a guideline.
God bless everyone!! & Godspeed to Our Hive Team Group 2 (anyone have a bottle of bubbly for christaining(sp) the new starship? LOL)
Have a wonderful and restful Sunday! Congratulations Hive Team Group 2 for Officially Launching!!