Hello Beez
I have send payments to Full Hive Members
Larry larry.blethen@verizon.net
Thomas Egold 5330074
Len leberghoef@sbcglobal.net
Lee smartshopper@live.com
Kevin PayPal@hearts-choice-opps.com
Andy andyriemer@mac.com
Becky heartuvgold@gmail.com
I need paypal info to send payments
Dave Teresa Sue
After payment the active temps will be voted to full Hive members,
Then we can start Hive Group 2 any questions about Group to post them,Managers wanted for Hive Group 2 so it you want to be a Group 2 manager post it asap.
Let's get this show on the Road and look foeward to great things from Hive Group 2 and look forward to see Hive Group 3 to come in the near future !!!!!
Thanks Bees usualy i don't go around bragging ppl up on the internet but i must say all Bees full and temps have been amazing.We are going to invest $600 of Hive Funds we have so far in a private investment.This will take time to mature but it's over flow earnings.In time we will all do nicely from this investment.
We have just chipped the tip of the Hive iceberg.All Beez that are still with us and active will be here with me to reap the profits.Group 2 ,3 ,4, 5, never ending can be recruited and you here now are the first Hivers and in the best spots to guide thas Hive adventure and to mold this amazing team into a maga force of marketers working like a real team you always dreamed of.Our concept is the only way a team can last long term.We are not split into downlines and referrels to got out there and work alone.Market the New as 1 force this is what we do!!!