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5/27/2008 1:00:19 PM
Hi Sammy

Thanks for your asking What Hive active is i see  the Managers all good post AND GOOD INFO.I see members comming into thereselves.All we need to do is to sort out the slackers lol.Some are really showing great improvement just in the little time they have been amonst us.Yes Money can always be found knowlege is Golden.Our members in 6 months as a Hive Member will be able to go out there on there own and in 1 year earn more than they couls of years of bouncing off the Marketing  dead end walls.

I think Becky covered most of what it takes to be considered Hive active.
I don't have to tell anyone what it takes to be active in anything it's automatic.
In any team marketing or even sports if the players don't show up  and like in baseball if they don't take a swing at the ball they'll never get a hit.
Hive Activity : Post in this Forum at least it shows interst you have with this Team

Let us know what your doing to help the team.Post ideas to help the Team.

To get programs approved or looked at be the team post in this forum for a vote.

Get on Skype and Yahoo Messenger make contact with other members.

We will not Track inactive ppl down to gave them come in and post if we have to look and ask ppl to post all the time and there not intersted enough to be active on there own they will be taken off the list

To be a Hive member isn't as hard as ppl may think.You have your own personal programs just  pick a few Hive programs we have and add that to your list  of programs you promote.

To Be a Temp Member in the Hive is to see if you have what it takes for us to add you to the Share list.We will part with our earnings if you pass these little test.We will not and do not give anyone a free ride to the payment Booth.

Full Members have been selected be managers voted through as solid working Marketers some may not have all the skills as other members but as long as they promoting Hive programs regurely that's all we ask.Those other strong marketing Bees will carry the learning bees and help in anyway we can.

All in All it's a trust factor that you are doing your thing for the Team.

I hope this helps you to see what we do on the team in the end we will have strong marketing Groups Called OUR HIVE TEAM.

Lastly people that make it to Full Hive members that want to leave the Team can do so with no back
compensation from us.Many funds will be investments that take time to mature.On payment dates whoever is on the Hive Share list at the Time will be paid.We have several investment plans which may slow regular share payments but always earning more.


5/27/2008 1:25:29 PM

I have been advertising with Top Link Sponsor every day, posting my ad in Herculist for Prime Finance, L.L.C.,  surfing, reading the posts in the forum here.  Today while I was reading the crawler that comes on top someone had posted this ad and I signed up.  I was able to post 3 banners, 1 Solo Ad and one text ad as a Pro Member.  I'm only telling everyone here, as one more place for our ads and banners to go out for more exposure.  I am not promoting for myself but wanted anyone that needs another place to advertise, to have one.

LIMITED TIME ONLY - First 1000 Members get FREE Upgrade to PRO!
First 500 Only! - Get FREE Solo Email Ad included!
Click on Advertising Link to the left and in Code: Box type in pro1000 and click Redeem

As far as the ATU videos  are concerned, I watched them as an ATU member when I had broadband and glad I did because it shows as an arror when I downloaded it with my dialup and can't watch it with this connection.    I got what I could out of the videos then but can still learn from them.  It's a lot of information, Dave and I must be slow too then because I need to still watch them.    Ad words is something else.  I wish I could grasp that quickly  so I could earn with it .  Some people are making a good buck with that alone.

Have a great work day everyone.  I hope y'all enjoyed the Memorial Day holiday.
It was nice here.

God bless,

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Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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5/27/2008 1:35:54 PM
WTG TERRY AND DENNIS, Keep up the good work!! Thank you.
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
5/27/2008 1:52:40 PM
When you have time Becky I need help with the hive team urls, banners and viral url.  It would be nice for Dennis to know which ads I'm bringing in for Prime Finance, I think.  Also really would like to be able to track my own urls, too.  I just don't get it with viral url.

Thanks, kiddo

God bless,

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5/27/2008 2:51:16 PM

Terry just hit me up on skype and I'll do what I can to make it more clear how it works.

This goes for anyone who  hasn't set up their viral url or needs help with using it for other programs. It's basically just a shorter url but it has tracking abilities and you earn $1 per free referral. We have a rotator set up with all the programs we're promoting less the blog blaster because it never worked right.

We take this long url to viral url and change it to something we can remember and the url turns out  like this.

We DO NOT put this in traffic exchanges because it will break out of frames because some of the sites have popups, but we DO use it in safelist emails and banner rotators and banner exchanges with our hive team banner.

If you need help with codes I have all the banner codes here.

Just choose a banner you like and grab a code and put it on your site or send it in html emails...or just use it in a banner exchange with the banner url and site url.


DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?

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