I have been advertising with Top Link Sponsor every day, posting my ad in Herculist for Prime Finance, L.L.C., surfing, reading the posts in the forum here. Today while I was reading the crawler that comes on top someone had posted this ad and I signed up. I was able to post 3 banners, 1 Solo Ad and one text ad as a Pro Member. I'm only telling everyone here, as one more place for our ads and banners to go out for more exposure. I am not promoting for myself but wanted anyone that needs another place to advertise, to have one.
First 1000 Members get FREE Upgrade to PRO!
First 500 Only! - Get FREE Solo Email Ad included!
on Advertising Link to the left
and in Code: Box type in pro1000 and click Redeem
As far as the ATU videos are concerned, I watched them as an ATU member when I had broadband and glad I did because it shows as an arror when I downloaded it with my dialup and can't watch it with this connection. I got what I could out of the videos then but can still learn from them. It's a lot of information, Dave and I must be slow too then because I need to still watch them. Ad words is something else. I wish I could grasp that quickly so I could earn with it . Some people are making a good buck with that alone.
Have a great work day everyone. I hope y'all enjoyed the Memorial Day holiday. It was nice here.
God bless,