
Natural, Made in the USA, organic pet products
2/28/2008 1:16:26 PM you've gone "green". But what about your pets? Still using store-bought shampoos, treats and spritzes? Animals can suffer allergies and dermatological issues just as humans do. Many store-bought products contain ingredients that cause dry skin, rough coat and sebhorea, just to name a few.

Take a peek at what Shure Pets has to offer. You'll find everything you need to keep your pet happy and healthy. Plus you'll find fantastic gifts for your human friends and family that can be customized by breed or species.

Find out why Shure Pets is a cat-egory innovator bringing a whole new breed of home party to the forefront, creating a hot new market and high demand. Sniff out the products, and think of how great an opportunity this truly is. Timing is everything with a young company, and right now, timing is perfect!!



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