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Joining 1on40 is like a Dream Come True!
2/27/2008 9:41:38 PM

Hi Adland Friend! It is as a token of friendship that I give out this information for free:
Get a first place ranking on Google, Yahoo, and several other Major Search Engines, all for Free! If you're in a rush, go here for more information:

You see, Good Search Engine Rank is key to getting high traffic. What you do is choose 5 key words to use in your campaign. Next you enter your site's url, along with a descrpition of it. And just like that, you're off on the biggest adventure of your life! You're going to get massive traffic and huge amounts of sales as your website heads towards hitting number one. One woman sold 30,000 cell phones in under an hour when her site hit number one rank in her field! And guess what? She did this in only one hour! One Hour!

So, are you ready for your Magic Carpet ride?
The average amount of money people make when they do this is $190,000 dollars. Not bad!

I figure the best way of beginning our friendship was to alert you to this opportunity. So that's what I did! Want to be like the cell phone lady? Then submit your site here:


Steve Hall


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