Welcome to your newsletter.
I do hope you have enjoyed a wonderful week and that your Spring
has got off to the best possible starts, and that you are
placing the winter weather behind you if you live in the northern
Now is the time to be out in the countryside absorbing the ambience
of a new cycle of life, knowing that it could also represent a new
cycle in your own life - a cycle of abundance, health and joy. As
always the choice is yours - anything at all is possible through
the Power of Mind.
Our most recent newsletter opportunity, Science of Being, showed in
the most powerful and unprecedented way how this may be achieved.
The messages received and feedback generally for Science of Being
has been phenomenal. Due in fact to the exceptional nature of this
book I have further plans which will become clear soon.
This week:
1. Our Ultimate Reality Second Edition eBook
2. The Eternal Moment of Now
-----Our Ultimate Reality Second Edition eBook-----
Before I published Our Ultimate Reality as a paperback book, I
received countless requests - often half a dozen or more every day,
asking to make the book available as a hard copy paperback.
For the benefit of the thousands of new members joining us this
week, all of whom I welcome, here are the full details for the
paperback version of the book:
I would like to take this opportunity for thanking everyone who has
purchased the paperback so far and for making it a bestselling
Metaphysics and Spiritual Growth book on Amazon where it reaches #1
in one of these categories from time to time.
After publishing the paperback I withdrew the eBook. Paradoxically
however, ever since them I have been receiving numerous requests
from people wishing to purchase an eBook version rather than the
Of course I am only too happy to make my book available in any
format people desire, although it has not been my long-term
intention to produce another eBook version at this stage.
However, in response to the numerous requests received, this week,
and for a short time only, I am delighted to make available the
very latest version of Our Ultimate Reality, Life, the Universe and
Destiny of Mankind in eBook format with 9 gifts for only $17:
The second edition of Our Ultimate Reality has been substantially
updated to take account of the many questions, comments and
requests received over the last couple of years or so since the
book was first published, and an additional chapter - Transition of
the Ages - on the subject of "2012" has been added.
Here is what you will receive for only $17 as a valued newsletter
Our Ultimate Reality Second Edition
Our Ultimate Reality First Edition
Science of Getting Rich
Science of Being Well
Science of Being Great
Power of Concentration
Think and Grow Rich
Self Mastery Through Conscious Auto Suggestion
The Magic Story
In addition, you will also receive Abyss, my extremely popular and
acclaimed Brainwave Entrainment track with User Guide.
This is a total of $109 of books with Abyss for just $17 - an
opportunity which most definitely will not be repeated.
If you wish to benefit from this unique opportunity, here is your
special newsletter subscriber ordering page:
Please keep in mind that this is a very limited opportunity.
-----The Eternal Moment of Now-----
As I have mentioned before, I receive countless messages from
people who wish to improve their lives, either because they have
reached a particular low point in their cycle of this Earth life,
or because they feel they can do much better for themselves and
Often these people have been following the usual processes of
visualisation, affirmations etc. but to no avail.
The truth is, although these approaches are fine as far as they go,
they are still, in and of themselves not enough.
Science of Being discusses all of the factors for success, in
particular realising Universal Life Energy, as indeed does my own
book, Our Ultimate Reality which you can obtain for a short time in
eBook format through your newsletter subscriber opportunity this
week, or the paperback version, links to both of which are above.
Another very major reason however, and the one we will discuss this
week, is living for past events or an imaginary future rather than
for The Eternal Moment of Now.
What humans know as and call "time" does not exist - it is an
illusion measured by mechanical and electronic devices known as
"clocks", synchronised to the movement of the planets, moon and Sun,
which only serves to perpetuate this illusion.
In the Astral worlds, the "afterlife", where most people go after
the change known as "death", the countless residents there have
absolutely no concept of "time" whatsoever, and have no means of
measuring it even if they wanted to.
We know "time" is an illusion from our own experiences. If we are
engrossed in doing something that makes us joyful, "time" seems to
"fly" and the time to end that experience arrives all too soon. If
on the other hand you are doing something as a chore, or that you
do not like doing, and it seems an effort, then "time" seems to
"drag on" forever.
In reality of course the "time" measured by the clock is the same,
in both cases - only the experience of "time" has changed.
As Albert Einstein said:
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an
hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a
minute. That's relativity."
During the Transition of the Ages that we are currently
experiencing, the effects of which will exponentially accelerate
over the next few years, one very possible outcome is that the twin
illusions of "space" and "time" will be stripped away, leaving us
permanently experiencing the present moment of Now.
Many people who have written to me have even now commented that
"time" seems to be "speeding up", and that days now seem more like
16 hours rather than 24 hours. This is actually very true, and, as
mentioned before, this experience may accelerate exponentially
until what are called "days" no longer exist, and the only
experience is Now just as it is and always has been beyond Earth
within the inner spheres of life including the Astral, afterlife.
While many people might feel concerned by this, such a reaction
would in fact be nothing more than a fear of the unknown.
In fact, if everyone learned to live there lives today in, The
Eternal Moment of Now, their lives would be infinitely happier and
more abundant as well as perfectly healthy.
So many people today live their lives either carrying the baggage
of yesterday, including their whole "life" to date, or fear and
apprehension of tomorrow.
Again - there is only one point of existence and thought - Now.
Now is where we create our reality, and Now is where we experience
that reality - not yesterday, not tomorrow, not next year, but Now.
Many of the greatest teachers taught this truth in different ways.
The Master known as Jesus said:
"And which of you with taking thought can add to his stature one
cubit?" -- Luke 12:25
"Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his
stature?" -- Matthew 6:27
What did Jesus mean by this exactly?
Well he certainly did not mean that it is wrong to think. Clearly
thinking is an integral aspect of living.
What Jesus really meant then was this:
Focusing your Mind on anything other than the present moment will
not add anything to your life and reality.
Lao Tzu stated this truth thus:
"In the practice of the Way every day something is dropped. Less
and less do you need to force things until you finally arrive at
non-action. When nothing is done nothing is left undone".
Another Taoist philosopher, Huai Nan Tzu said:
"He who conforms to the course of the Tao, following the natural
processes of Heaven and Earth, finds it easy to manage the whole
In Buddhism, the Third Noble Truth teaches:
"Suffering can be overcome and happiness attained. If all useless
craving and desires are set aside, and each day is lived one at a
time not dwelling on the past or an imagined future, then you will
be set free and attain happiness and contentment providing at the
same for more time to help others".
This is a condition known as "Nirvana".
In the Hindu culture of the Upanishads, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad
stated: "There is fear from the second".
The "second" that Brihadaranyaka Upanishad refers to is duality,
including "time".
This is what The Baron Eugene Fersen says about this:
"You live only once, and that once is NOW. All your energies, all
your qualities, all your faculties, are centred upon the present
moment. It is the vital point, the single hot and living tip
through which you can burn your whole life record of constructive
activity into the stubborn fabric of Mankind. The Past is gone, you
cannot alter it; the Future is to come, you cannot touch it. But
the Present is HERE, and you can score strong and deep in it.
Except in mortal existence there is no Past and Future. Divisions
of Time vanish outside of limited and divided Minds. Eternity
knows no such division; it includes both Past and Future and is
itself simply an eternal and ever present NOW. But the human Mind,
inside the self-erected mental walls which made it human, cannot
comprehend Eternity and has enslaved itself to the very limitations
which it fashioned. It possesses only the moment to tie to its lost
heritage, and only through the proper appreciation and use of that
moment can it win back something of what it has lost".
So the the message that has been taught by the greatest and wisest
teachers over thousands of years is clear - those who live their
lives in accordance with the illusion of time, focusing their
thoughts on a non-existent past, or fearful of an imaginary future
will be miserable.
We can also demonstrate these truths with The Law of Attraction. In
using The Law of Attraction it is crucial to harmonise with the
object of our wishes by Knowing and Believing, beyond doubt and
with perfect Faith, that we already have it Now.
If you think, act or feel that you "will" have it or "want" it, you
immediately place yourself into a situation where you will be
perpetually "willing" or "wanting" but never actually receiving.
I realise of course that while we are focused in this vibration
that we call the physical Universe, or Earth, we are bound by
temporal factors.
I also realise that most people have been programmed from an early
age to live by the "clock" and to "watch the time". If only
everyone knew what misery this inevitably brings.
One of the very biggest causes of this reliance on time is this
thing people call a "job", where everyone is under pressure to get
to work on "time" for fear of the consequences.
No one actually needs a "job" and therefore the "time", another
human construct, and the constraints it places on people, but that
is another newsletter. Suffice it to say that we can have anything
we desire from the infinite Source of supply that Is Divine
Providence, Source, God using the power of Mind.
So what must be done:
The answer is simple yet profound. It is absolutely crucial, beyond
words to focus only in the present moment of Now, and to remove
from your thought processes any notion of this human construct
known as "time".
Focus all your thoughts on the present moment, not one second,
minute, day, week, month in the transient past or imaginary future.
If you wear a watch remove it - otherwise it will serve as a symbol
of your reliance on "time".
Likewise, remove as many clocks from your home as possible, and
avoid looking at the ones you cannot remove.
If you must be controlled by the illusion of time for "work" or to
keep an appointment, see "time" for what it really is - a
meaningless human construct, and take the attitude that you are
simply humouring those who are still controlled by "time".
Make a habit of knowing, beyond all doubt, that you can have
anything in the present moment of Now, and focus all your thoughts
on your wishes, knowing you have them Now with perfect Faith.
Finally I will conclude with this appropriate verse from the
Sanskrit, the classic language of the culture of India:
Look To This Day
For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
In Its brief course lie all the Verities and
Realities of your existence;
The Bliss of Growth;
The Glory of Action;
The Splendor of Beauty;
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And tomorrow is only a Vision:
But Today well lived makes every
Yesterday a Dream of Happiness, and
Every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well, therefore, to This Day!
Please keep in Mind your very special but limited newsletter
subscriber opportunity of the second edition eBook of Our Ultimate
Reality, with nine valuable gifts, together worth $109 for only $17:
Until next week.
In Love, Light and Truth,
11 Cronk Drean, Douglas, IM
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