
Lylette Primell

7 Posts
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Trade Your Monthly Spending For Rebates And A Sizable Income
2/26/2008 6:49:09 PM
Have you ever thought about how much money we spend monthly on staples and other necessary items? What would you do if you had an opportunity to save on these items and make an income doing so? This business allowed me to save and create an income at the same time. I must say that I overlooked this opportunity until a friend gently coerced me to look again. On taking a second look it hit me, here you could shop from yourself, you can save on items you buy and best of all you can earn. There is no selling involved you don’t even have to recruit anyone or build a network. This was so simple I laughed when my friend pointed out to me all I had to do was give the business opportunity away. How easy is thatI thought! You see I overcomplicated the entire thing I simply could not believe all I had to do was just give something away and BAM I was in business for myself. YOU too can be in business for yourself just by accepting this FREE opportunity. My Power Mall offers all its members an opportunity to set up for FREE they Train and Mentor YOU for FREE. YOU get to shop and save and you receive your own Mall to give to whomever you choose. How’s that for a business model that YOU can sink YOUR teeth in at no risk to YOU. So if you were like me and overlooked this opportunity before just take a second look, remember its risk FREE. Click Here Lylette Primell
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