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Re: Results of Best Forum Awards March: 2008 !!!!
3/3/2008 9:45:28 AM
Привет Лидия!

Спасибо за поздравления. Российское Вино ЛИДИЯ запечатывает нашу дружбу. Я надеюсь, что выборы в РОССИИ вчера дали хорошие результаты и вашего нового президента, чтобы быть тем, что мир нуждается в человеческом лидере для мира и гармонии.

Hello Lydia!

Thank you for the greetings. The Russian Wine LYDIA seals our friendship. I hope the election in RUSSIA yesterday gave good results and your new president to be what the world needs a human leader for peace and harmony.

Lets have some Dionysac feelings and dance to God Of Wine 

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
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Re: Results of Best Forum Awards March: 2008 !!!!
3/3/2008 10:01:13 AM
Hello Lee

THank you fotr the support to BFA and your COnratultions! Philoxenia is a work done by all my friends and I am proud of all of you.

While we haveing Wine why not dance pure Thracian dance. DIonysus  is a Greek Thracian God. At Ancient time Thracia was all the region south of Danube River to Black Sea and Aegaean Sea.

Thracian national dresses - The Capital of THracia was Constantinople
ENJOY Regional Greek Folklore


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
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Re: Results of Best Forum Awards March: 2008 !!!!
3/3/2008 10:05:35 AM
Well Lee I missed the Video Clip


Let The Culture center for 1000 years show you
Dances from Byzantine Capital CONSTANTINOPLE
a k a VISAS (the oringin of the word Visa)
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Re: Results of Best Forum Awards March: 2008 !!!!
3/3/2008 10:35:45 AM

Congratulations Georgios!! You deserve this, you work really hard on your forum and post some wonderful things there.  Love your parties!!

Pauline, I would like to ask the judge who voted this:

 "not original, a lot of topics.potm is another winners forum"

Please tell me who else has this topic and I will apologize and change our Poet's presentation.  So sorry, I did not know.


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CONRATULATIONS PHILOXENIA: Best Forum Awards March: 2008 !!!!
3/3/2008 12:51:14 PM
Hello Vessie!

For the Blue Very nice and Expensive ROSES  I must give you something equal. The nice Ladies wear the Alexandria of Macedonia dresses, originated from 350 BC - At that time there were no Slavonic people in Macedonia.

I dedicate you the pure Greek Macedonian danse "GAIDA" form the seat of ZEUS, the God of gods at Mt Olympus, and the town Katerini, Greek Macedonia.

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook

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