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Great News Government admits vaccine and autism link
2/25/2008 8:30:12 PM

Greetings All

   Finally, some good news for the victims of autism. The federal autism court has ruled that there is a link between thimerosal in childhood vaccines and autism. This is what we have been fighting for and now the door is finally open.

With Blessings and Hope


Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?

By David Kirby
Posted February 25, 2008 | 12:42 PM (EST)

After years of insisting there is no evidence to link vaccines with the onset of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the US government has quietly conceded a vaccine-autism case in the Court of Federal Claims.

The unprecedented concession was filed on November 9, and sealed to protect the plaintiff's identify. It was obtained through individuals unrelated to the case.

The claim, one of 4,900 autism cases currently pending in Federal "Vaccine Court," was conceded by US Assistant Attorney General Peter Keisler and other Justice Department officials, on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services, the "defendant" in all Vaccine Court cases.

The child's claim against the government -- that mercury-containing vaccines were the cause of her autism -- was supposed to be one of three "test cases" for the thimerosal-autism theory currently under consideration by a three-member panel of Special Masters, the presiding justices in Federal Claims Court.

Keisler wrote that medical personnel at the HHS Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation (DVIC) had reviewed the case and "concluded that compensation is appropriate."

The doctors conceded that the child was healthy and developing normally until her 18-month well-baby visit, when she received vaccinations against nine different diseases all at once (two contained thimerosal).

Days later, the girl began spiraling downward into a cascade of illnesses and setbacks that, within months, presented as symptoms of autism, including: No response to verbal direction; loss of language skills; no eye contact; loss of "relatedness;" insomnia; incessant screaming; arching; and "watching the florescent lights repeatedly during examination."

Seven months after vaccination, the patient was diagnosed by Dr. Andrew Zimmerman, a leading neurologist at the Kennedy Krieger Children's Hospital Neurology Clinic, with "regressive encephalopathy (brain disease) with features consistent with autistic spectrum disorder, following normal development." The girl also met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) official criteria for autism.

In its written concession, the government said the child had a pre-existing mitochondrial disorder that was "aggravated" by her shots, and which ultimately resulted in an ASD diagnosis.

"The vaccinations received on July 19, 2000, significantly aggravated an underlying mitochondrial disorder," the concession says, "which predisposed her to deficits in cellular energy metabolism, and manifested as a regressive encephalopathy with features of ASD."

To read the rest of Mr. Kirby's piece and to post your comments, please visit

Think Autism. Think Cure

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Donald Rich

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Re: Great News Government admits vaccine and autism link
2/25/2008 10:00:50 PM
THIS IS GOOD NEWS,  it dose at times take years.
Re: Great News Government admits vaccine and autism link
2/25/2008 11:01:42 PM

Hello Donald

    It is good to see you again. Yes, you are right. It takes years to dig out the truth but, in this case it took thousands and thousands of destroyed lives. Now we need accountability which is something totally lacking in our government.

    Thanks for stopping by Donald.

Sincerely, Billdaddy

May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Nick Sym

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Re: Great News Government admits vaccine and autism link
2/26/2008 12:42:29 AM
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Sheryl Loch

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Re: Great News Government admits vaccine and autism link
2/26/2008 8:11:51 AM

This is WONDERFUL news!
Although they have here (in Las Vegas) made a rule that all children going into 7th grade get a new vaccine. I homeschool & have not really looked into it much yet.

This link to Autism has been research for years! I really do not understand how the big Pharma can push a new drug through the FDA without much "testing" in less than 6 months (some only take weeks) but to put an end to a know problem takes years.
Autism has effected far to many families to be ignored. So, your post makes me think that soon we will see improvement.

I wonder what will the government be held accountable for knowingly harming so many children? It does seem as if the government may start blaming other problems (mitochondrial disease) as to the cause of Autism.

Taken from the article by Mr. Kirby HERE 

Should the government develop and approve new treatments for "aggravated mitochondrial disease with ASD features?" Interestingly, many of the treatments currently deployed in Mt disease (i.e., coenzyme Q10, vitamin B-12, lipoic acid, biotin, dietary changes, etc.) are part of the alternative treatment regimen that many parents use on their children with ASD. 

I see that they are treating with nutrition. Will they soon also find a link that puts the “over processed” food, fast foods, hormonally treated meat & milk…. On the list to look at as a contributing factor?

Many of the public schools have done away with most of the special education classes & teachers due to budget cuts. Yet, the tax dollars of these children’s family are the ones paying for the school.

Here is an article I posted on my health blog in April 24, 2007. It does not directly pertain to Autism but, I would like to post it here & hope that it will spark interest so that people will start researching BEFORE they hand their children to a doctor with a needle.


I received the link to Vaccine Ingredients today I found it really scary.

I am amazed sometime how we try so hard to protect our kids & yet let doctors & government officials make decisions about their health. I would like YOU to be the one that is a bit more informed. Am I against all vaccines? No. Do I think that the pharmaceutical companies & law makers are overdosing our children? YES! I believe that these people are putting money in there pockets at the expense of our children’s health. My hope is that the next time you have a doctor’s appointment that you will ask questions.

Listen to the Presidential Candidates, they all preach about children’s health, education, & the war on drugs. I have yet to hear one say that they want to stop the pharmaceutical companies from pushing DRUGS. Vaccines are only the tip of the iceberg.

The internet gives YOU the power to find information on any subject, use it. Google has the ‘search within results’ button. I type in my main topic word (any drug or chemical name) & hit search, I then go to the bottom of the page & hit ‘Search Within Results’ where I may type in ‘side effects’. This will narrow your search down so you can find exactly what you want. Keep in mind that if the site is produced by someone that is going to make a profit from this drug their information maybe slanted. Be sure to look at a variety of sites to make a more informed choice.

Vaccine Ingredients

Formaldehyde – also used in embalming fluid. Here is a simple link that will give you a bit of info on how Formaldehyde is used with street drugs.

Thimerosal – There are so many side effects & articles that talk about the side effects of mercury poisoning that I could not possibly list them all. Here is just one from News Target

Potassium Chloride – is used in some states as the last step in a Lethal Injection. It induces cardiac arrest.

Sheryl Loch ~ allmylovecrafts


Bill thank you so much for bringing light to this!!

People need to be informed by someone that is not making money off of them.
