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2/25/2008 4:14:03 PM

Hi Stephen,  Thanks. 

I have a quick question:  Has anyone tried MLM LeadGenie business opportunity seeker leads?  OR, does anyone know a good source for biz opp leads?

I had tried some from Opportunity Connection and when I talked to the people, most of them were just trying to win an ipod. 

Please let me know if you have some good sources.

Thanks, Char

Jen Maxwell

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2/25/2008 5:04:58 PM
Hi Stephen:  Thank you for setting up this forum.

If you knew of a way to pay a 15, 25, 30  year home loan off in as little as 1/2 to 1/3 the term, without refinancing, without paying more each month, and with no bi-weekly payment, would you check it out?

Stop and think about this people. Say your payment is $950 every month for 30 years and you can pay it off in 15 -that's a potential saving of $171,000.00 and 180 months of payments you would never have to make!

Wouldn’t it be worth your while to check out the Money Merge program to find out if you qualify?  There is no obligation to get a free analysis, and you can even do it for yourself.

Our company has been featured several times in Broke Banker and True Wealth magazines.  That's a solid testimonial to how exciting the program is and how well it works.

If you do not understand how Interest Cancellation works, check this out:

Read about open and closed end loans.

If you are financially astute, here is the website that will tell you all you want to know.

And by the way, there is a great business opportunity available with this company.


        Results will vary and are determined by individual financial situations. The information contained herein does not constitute an  offer or a solicitation to lend or extend credit. Contact Jen, your                   United First Financial independent agent for further details.

Award Winning System cancels mortgage and debt interest on steroids! Without paying more each month! "The ultimate ignorance is the rejection of something you know nothing about and refuse to investigate
Nick Sym

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2/25/2008 9:45:33 PM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Jason Lamure

3475 Posts
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2/25/2008 9:53:32 PM
HI Stephen!

Nice little article you wrote thereon how you make
an income online....good stuff !

Here's 1 opportunity paying me nicely and 2 excellent
viral ad sites (also paying me nicely!)

Having the ability to send my solo ads to 30,000
members monthly at BOTH Viralurl and ViralAdsDepot
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Sign up today

Prosper tomorrow

I call it ...

The SUDEM site

Signup - upgrade - do nothing - earn money!

Yep that's right

Even if you do not promote, you get a share of
the revenue pool at this site and you get it on
sign up.

I am not suggesting that you do not promote
If you do promote, you can earn throusands
of dollars in a blink of an eye and much of
it is recurring income.

Since I signed up my commissions earned are
$1702.66 and growing!

You can do this too.

It is not magic but...

You need to get in now while the day is
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your contacts and your downlines

I look for 5 things in a program

1) A good product
Lawn Chair Millionaire has it in spades
When you join you will find it in the Vault
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2) I look for fast start bonuses and especially
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3) I look for the resources they give you to
help you promote and you will find some
great ones in the members area. Many free
Some paid. All good.

I use their autorepsonder to get sign ups

I chat with my site visitors via pro messenger
in real time.

4) I look to see who runs the program
The guys who run one of the best sites on
the net called Profimatic run Lawn Chair Millionaire
They are top notch

5) I look to see if I can earn money in other ways
at the site and the answer is a resounding yes
through the commissions I earn on the sale of
the product and throught he Vault product itself.

When a site has everything, all that is missing
is you

Sign up today

Prosper tomorrow

Jason Lamure

PS: Build Your List, Cloak, Track, and
Advertise Your Links FREE!

I give this site my highest personal

If you are looking for a place to get your ads noticed, then take a close look at Viral-Ads Depot

Your ad will display, top left on your affiliate page and it will also rotate in positions 2-4 on thousands of other members pages.

Talk about mass exposure. Your ads could literally been seen by thousands of people daily as you advertise, as other members advertise, and as we advertise for you.

The best part is we pay you to advertise your own offers.

You can earn $10.00 fast start bonuses and 40% commission on all lifetime membership sales, plus 20% on all sales made through your members area and that can add up to a nice chunk of change fast.

Take Viral-Ads Depot for a spin today...

Losing Your Pants In MLM? If Your Upline Isn't Showing You How to Get 30 Leads / Day, I Can!
Joe Downing

9720 Posts
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2/25/2008 10:11:37 PM
Thank you Stephen!!!  I just have to ask everyone this question.....

Got yours yet?

Want $900?

I don't know very many people who are practically given $900 every day!  We have all been given a great opportunity to receive $900 just for recruiting five others who also will receive $900 for recruiting five others who will also receive $900 for recruiting five others who... get the picture?  None of you have to pay a penny to get in AND the bonus will pay for your future product orders AND a residual income and...  It's a benefactoring program!  Someone else is willing to pay your way into this program and let YOU keep the bonus, the product and the residual income!

Just think, what could you do with $900 dollars?  Could you use it to buy some advertising for your other companies?  How about pay off a credit card or a small loan?  What about that trip to see a loved one?  Or maybe you have been wanting to do something that you haven't done for a long time... splurge on yourself!  Only you know what you could use that $900s for, but you can't do anything with that $900 until you join me and recruit your Five.  That is all you need to do to get it. 

How soon do you want your $900?


How do I join?

Send the following information to: (Linda Harvey) and PM to me also so that I can get the ball rolling for you!
SSN or EIN #:
Zip Code:
Date of Birth:
E-mail Address:
I want to be on Joe Downing's team!

Note:  When five have  been reached, we start passing on the new signees to those who have taken advantage of this offer.  In other words, as a team, we help everyone!  Everyone needs to recruit five! 

Who can join?

If you reside in the lower 48 states of the USA, you can be benefactored in for free!  Just send in the above information as soon as possible and let's give your FIVE more than enough time to get their FIVE and so on!

What is the benefit of joining?

I'm glad that was asked!  There are several benefits:
  • Your entry fee is paid and you keep the bonuses for recruiting.
  • You get a free business opportunity that produces lucrative residual incomes.
  • You get to keep $540 after paying for your 2nd, 3rd and 4th auto ships!
  • You have a team helping build a huge organization, which in turn can produce a very substantial monthly check.
  • You pay nothing and neither do your five recruits or theirs...
  • You have a way to bless others financially!

How substantial is this monthly residual income?

This program operates with a 5 X 10 Matrix that pays… *(remember, you built this already with the Fast Start Bonuses Team Building)

Level 1 – (5) people… 1% of $125 each = $1.25 x (5) = $6.25*
Level 2 – (25) people… 5% of $125 each = $6.25 x (25) = $156.25*
Level 3 – (125) people… 5% of $125 each = $6.25 x (125) = $781.25*
Level 4 – (625) people… 6% of $125 each = $7.50 x (625) = $4,687.50*
Level 5 – (3125) people… 6% of $125 each = $7.50 x (3125) = $23,437.50*

and so on down to level 10! DO YOU SEE THE POWER OF THIS FREE

If you get on this quickly and recruit, recruit and recruit, you can set this up where it will pay for itself indefinitely!  Can't you reach the Level 5 in five weeks?  Come on and at least try!!!!!  How much more substantial can it get?  It's FREE!!!

Is this too good to be true?

I think this is very good, but believe me it isn't too good to be true.  It's true and only those who jump on this are going to make a lot of money, now that's good.  Hey, aren't we all here at Adland to promote our businesses to make some money?  Does it matter if it is with your existing business or a little side track freebie?  I have three very good businesses going, but $540 cold cash in my pocket is a good enough reason to recruit five others.  What about you?  Better get that email sent ASAP!!!!!

NOTE:  Out of the fast start bonus for recruiting five others ($900), $360 must be used to pay for the next three months autoship.  You keep $540 to do with as you please!  Not bad!  It pays for itself!

How much time do we have?

The benefactoring ends on March 31st!  I suggest that if you really want to make this happen for you, get started TODAY!  We have only a few weeks left!  The sooner you get going, the sooner your recruits can get going.  Look at those matrix levels above.  Look them over real good and just imagine which level you would like to achieve.  How about Level 5?  Then let's get going!  LaNell is showing us how to get this done and believe me, she is getting it done quickly!

March 31st is the end date for having each of our ways paid in.  Start soon so that you can give your recruits enough time to get their share!

What am I waiting for?

I don't know!  But, you better hurry so you can get your share!  If you are waiting for the day "pigs will fly", I think you better take a look at your piggy bank.  Mine is flying!!!

What are you going to do with your money?

Join our team and let's get going!


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