I am so touched by all of you! My daughter and I were talking about all of this recognition I get in here from all of you lovely people-it fits in with my "I'm goning to be bigger than Ophra" (ha-ha!) speeches I used to give her back in my "I am woman hear me roar!" days and the wanna be a little old lady -leave me alone persona I've been trying to pull off, that just doesn't quite fit either! So we decided I have to get a dress to have on hand, just in case I decide to leave the house dressed as a regular, female, woman type one day:) I've been happy as a hog wallering in slop not having looked into a mirror in a month of Sundays in dirty old jeans and a floppy hat!
Siemper fie to all the Marine Mommies of Adlandpro 68 days to deployment-I'm told that means the same as coming home!