
Will You Settle?
2/19/2008 7:52:59 AM

Every day, all around me, I see people settling. Settling for what? They are settling for less. Settling for less than what will truly make them happy. Settling for less than what they truly deserve. Settling for less money because they do not really believe they can make more; or they simply do not want to do what it takes to change their situation. They settle for doing a job they are not really happy in because they do not really think they can change their situation. They settle in less than fulfilling relationships because at least what they have offers them security, or maybe they just do not think it is possible to have all their heart yearns for.

People settle.

They settle because not settling is scary. It takes them out of their comfort zone. Not settling means they are going to take a risk and possibly lose what they have opted to settle for. So they settle. They decide that they really can not have it all, so they might as well settle for what they can; and pretend they are happy in the midst of it. They are not happy, but they prefer it to hanging out on a limb that might break.

I see it all around me. People settling. It makes me so sad. And it makes me want to scream. I want to grab these people and somehow convince them they are worth so much more than that. They deserve to have it all. They deserve to have what makes them happy. They deserve to not struggle from day to day. They deserve to do something that fills their heart and soul with fulfillment. They deserve to have relationships that make their hearts explode with joy. They deserve to not settle for anything less than what they want.

I can not convince people. I can share my thoughts, but each person has to convince themselves. They have to change what they believe about themselves; and about the world they are creating for themselves.

But I can try and shake you up. I can try and make you take a hard look at your life. Are you settling? Be honest. If you are, then only you can change it. Only you can decide to step out of your comfort zone. Only you can opt for the courage that will make you live in the fear zone because it is in the fear zone that the greatest fulfillment and success is found.

It is in not settling that you learn to truly live!

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