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Devasish Gupta

1804 Posts
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8/15/2005 8:08:02 AM
Hi, Good One! The only thing we can control is the "NOW" So, we must focus in the "NOW". Yours, Devasish

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Trina Sonnenberg

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Person Of The Week
8/15/2005 8:29:16 AM
Hi Kathy! I keep yesterday for fond memories and lessons learned. Today is a gift, and so shall tomorrow be. My two cents... Trii
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Thomas West

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8/15/2005 9:15:15 AM
I wholeheartedly agree to leave the past in the past. Why worry about things that can't affect you anymore? I somewhat agress about the statements about the future. Here's what I believe: Learn how to NOT WORRY! Worrying is focusing your thought on things that are, were, or have the potential to be things that you do not want in your life. People worry that they upset someone with unkindness. This is worrying about the past. All this does is attract to you more people who are oversensitive that you will offend in the future. People worry that they will not have enough money, or their health will deteriorate, or they will lose their job. This is worrying about the future. All this does is attract the very things you are worrying about RIGHT TO YOU! Instead, VISUALIZE your "perfect day." See yourself in your future getting the things you desire. You will then begin to attract those things. Also, Don't worry about what is happening to you in the present! This is a tough one for most people, and I'm sure that there are some of you who think that this is foolish, but here's what happens: you focus your thought on the things in your life that are not the way you want them. "I don't have enough money. I have the flu and I'm getting worse. My car is falling apart." We observe our "now," and by observing, we focus on the very things that we don't want, and we draw more of those things into our future. It's a vicious cycle that we all suffer from in varying degrees. I myself am learning to Visualize MORE and observe LESS and the results are astounding. So here's a suggestion for how to Live a life of HOPE, as Kahty suggests: 1. Be a visionary - focus your thought daily on the things that you want in your life. The universe responds to your thought vibrations and brings those things to you. 2. Reach for the thought that feels good - when you are feeling positive emotion, that is your internal guidance system telling you that you are tapped in, turned on, and flowing the energy of creation in a way that will ALLOW the things you are wanting into your life. Basically, Get HAPPY and STAY THERE! Anytime you focus thought on things that cause you negative emotion, you invite more of those things into your experience. The universe responds to your thought vibration always, and does not know the difference between what you want and what you don't want, or the difference between past, present, and future. Choose thoughts from your past that bring you joy. Choose thoughts in your present of APPRECIATION for all the things that are going well. Choose thoughts in your future that CREATE what you want, and then move forward with FAITH and HOPE that they will come to you. Make it a great day (literally),
8/15/2005 10:22:04 AM
Live in the NOW. Right on the head. Nail that is....
8/15/2005 11:19:14 AM
Hello Kathy I just read your words of wisdom so well put may God Bless You and Yours PS My thought of Hope God gave us life and what we do with that life is our gift to God. I heard these words they were not my own thought but they still stay with me Chuck Dillon

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