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Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: PHILOXENIA FEATURES # Ana Maria Padurean and Germisara SPA
2/16/2008 6:02:30 AM
Hello Georgios and greetings to everyone  :-)

What a nice surprise and what a way to start ones day! WOW! this is the first it came to my mind!

... and what a wonderful feeling to be in connection with such a beautiful legend and fairy tell! I feel so honored for that!

Germisara is indeed a wonderful spa in Geoagiu Bai

Germisara Hotel

As it's history goes way back to the Dacians, there are also many legends transmitted through times, carrying with them beautiful traditions and customs.

All over Romania there are many springs with "miraculous" water, as no one keeps their numbers anymore; where ever you look you may find a place to cure your ... whatever you suffer of ... all of them in a scenery you could hardly dream of!

The most beautiful thing one can do on a vacation is to take your tent on your back and here is your way! ... Preferably, NOT the highway!

I could tell more but I don't want to spoil the Fairy Tale feeling created by Georgios!

Thank you so much my friend! The ones who want to read more about Romania is always welcome here! There are lots of threads treating different topics and there are many more to come!

BINE ATI VENIT IN ROMANIA = Welcome to Romania!

There is always some one to greet you with Bread, Salt

... and Tuica (in Transylvania)

Joelees Wholesale

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Re: PHILOXENIA FEATURES # Ana Maria Padurean and Germisara SPA
2/16/2008 12:27:41 PM


Awesome work as always my friend Thank you for sharing all your hard work is very inspiring  Gods speed :-) Lee

Beryl Payton

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Re: PHILOXENIA FEATURES # Ana Maria Padurean and Germisara SPA
2/16/2008 1:38:56 PM

Hi Georgios,

I really loved and enjoyed the story.  Thank you for sharing it with me.



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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA FEATURES # Ana Maria Padurean and Germisara SPA
2/17/2008 4:54:13 AM
Hello Dimitra!

Thank you for coming in. You icon is very nice. Ana Maria is a very good friend and she is all over the community to support her friends. Her later activities are to make an attention that she deserves all recognition. Their new POTW is also very nice designed and the traffic there is very good.

Happy Sunday

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: PHILOXENIA FEATURES # Ana Maria Padurean and Germisara SPA
2/17/2008 5:00:41 AM
Hello Ana Maria!

Welcome in QUEEN OF Philoxenia. You, my friend, you are doing a great work in this community and you deserve more attention for you work on ROMANIA.

Your forum gives all information about your country and your culture and tradition. I wish more countries would be introduced as Romania is in your forum.

Thank you for the nice pictures from Germisara. This story I got because of my research on Geronimo.

Geronimo (Jeronymo)
and other Apaches

Keep up the good Work

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook