Bonjour Tim, Thank you for the inspiration. You forgot to mention what a handsome crew Emerson Drive is!!! LOL I'm glad Nick provided the photo! To be serious, I have experienced the troughs and the pinnacles, as I'm sure that just about everyone has. The words of songs very often inspire us and it is great to share that inspiration with others. "Remember" is a good example. Our dreams will not end, if we continue to strive forward and remember our great achievements or the achievements of our ancestors. " Remember, when your dreams have ended,Time can be transcended,"
For some reason, I can't get the writing to go back to black! Nevertheless, I will perservere!!!! Won't take "can't" or "no." Stubborn is my middle name!
As for keeping that energy in us to carry on, in the words of "The Rose,"
"Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes the rose."
The song is about love, of course, but that seed could apply to whatever we want it to.
Here's to putting our best foot forward and nurturing our seeds to become beautiful roses.
Angel cuddles, love and light on this day of sharing love.
