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Nick Sym

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Re: Moments
2/13/2008 10:26:48 PM
Here's a picture of the boys for you Tim !

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Joelees Wholesale

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Re: Moments
2/14/2008 9:15:11 AM


Pleasure to see you , Thank you for a well stated inspiring post my friend . Gods speed :-) Lee

Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Moments
2/14/2008 9:43:28 AM
Bonjour Tim,

Thank you for the inspiration.

You forgot to mention what a handsome crew Emerson Drive is!!! LOL  I'm glad Nick provided the photo!

To be serious, I have experienced the troughs and the pinnacles, as I'm sure that just about everyone has.

The words of songs very often inspire us and it is great to share that inspiration with others.  "Remember" is a good example.  Our dreams will not end, if we continue to strive forward and remember our great achievements or the achievements of our ancestors.

"Remember, when your dreams have ended,
Time can be transcended,"

For some reason, I can't get the writing to go back to black! Nevertheless, I will perservere!!!!  Won't take "can't" or "no." Stubborn is my middle name!

As for keeping that energy in us to carry on, in the words of "The Rose,"

"Just remember in the winter far beneath the bitter snow, lies the seed that with the sun's love, in the spring becomes the rose."

The song is about love, of course, but that seed could apply to whatever we want it to.

Here's to putting our best foot forward and nurturing our seeds to become beautiful roses.

Angel cuddles, love and light on this day of sharing love.


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Tim Southernwood

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Re: Moments
2/14/2008 10:22:35 AM

Thanks Nick for the Pic,

Thanks Joe, for your kind comment.

And Sarah, Thank you.
I know the time it takes to write even what you did, and it's much appreciated, even touching that you took that time to respond in such a thoughtful way.
(I know too..the little wysiwyg editor takes some getting used to, but you'll get it I'm sure)

Happy Valentines Day everyone!

Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Moments
2/14/2008 10:37:29 AM
Hello Tim  :-)

Is this what are you talking about?!

((youtube id="JzriEXPJ1-k"))((/youtube))

The song is beautiful indeed.


Written by Annie Tate, Sam Tate and Dave Berg
Produced by Josh Leo and Teddy Gentry

I was comin’ to the end of a long long walk
When a man crawled out of a cardboard box
Under the E Street Bridge – followed me on to it
I went out halfway across with that homeless shadow taggin’ along
So I dug for some change - wouldn’t need it anyway
He took it looking just a bit ashamed
He said you know I haven’t always been this way

I’ve had my moments
Days in the sun, moments
I was second to none, moments
When I knew I did what I thought I couldn’t do
Like that plane ride, coming home from the war
That summer, my son was born
Memories, like a coat so warm the cold wind can’t get through
Looking at me now you might not know it
But I’ve had my moments

Well I stood there tryin’ to find my nerve
Wondering if a single soul on earth would care at all
Miss me when I’m gone
That old man just kept hangin’ around
Lookin’ at me, lookin’ down I think he recognized
That look in my eyes
Standing with him there I felt ashamed
I said you know I haven’t always been this way

I’ve had my moments
Days in the sun, moments
I was second to none, moments
When I knew I did what I thought I couldn’t do
Like the day I, walked away from the wine
For a woman, who became my wife
And a love that, when it was right could always see me through
Looking at me know you might not know it
I’ve had my moments

I know somewhere around a trash can fire tonight
That old man tells his story
One more time –
He says,

I’ve had my moments
Days in the sun, moments
I was second to none, moments
When I knew I did what I thought I couldn’t do
Like that cool night, on the E Street Bridge
When a young man, almost ended it
I was right there, wasn’t scared a bit
And I helped to pull him through
Looking at me now you might not know it
Oh - looking at me now you might not know it
I’ve had my moments

I’ve had my moments
I’ve had my moments
I’ve had my moments

Thank you for sharing and bringing this important "MOMENT" into our attention :-)

Valentine's Day Glitter Graphics From

Valentine's Day Glitter Graphics.

With friendship,


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