Dear Luella, Team, Friends! Thank you for sharing the extra edition. You are doing a very good work for your friends and I appreciate that very much. To find a woman to qualify to the tile WOMAN OF COURAGE is not easy. Things don't stop there. To set up a tread and then make an article to introduce it both in Radio and in a forum that takes lots of time. Thank you for sharing Deborah Akbar with us. I am not in her friends list but I have seen her in the forums quite along time, maybe two years now. I sent Deborah an invitation to be friend. I also saw a couple of the video clips and I read the biog. It saddens me to read about the accident but I am happy to see her fighting for life, because "life is a dream to work on" and we all may have the hope to keep it healthy (the body), and make it pure (the spirit). CONGRATULATIONS DEBORAH You are doing a great work and you deserve all attention and of course the title WOMAN OF COURAGE
I dedicate you a nice song
 Click on the picture (SONG –VIDEO-clip) Keep up the good work
God Bless you and your
We are here to support
It cam to my ear that Deborah is in a very difficult health situation.For those of you who want to make a contributions, a donations you can do it by send money direct to Deborah to her PAYPAL,
offline to Deborah Akbar P. O. Box 210034 South Euclid, Ohio
44121-7034. If you would like to hear her interview go to