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Potw Team

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CONGRATULATIONS --------- Mrs. Heidi Stern as the 130TH POTW
2/10/2008 10:32:32 AM


NUMBER 130th !!!  


Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro,

Jim Allen, Peter Fogel and Ana Maria Padurean your POTW Awards Team.  

Are pleased to announce;

Mrs. Heidi Stern is the

130th Person of the Week

It’s time again for one our favorite projects of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is one of our favorite projects because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people.

Thank you so much for your support and for making this event so special.


The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was
to honor people who have a positive influence on this

To qualify the person has to be an active member
and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here
AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member
for the Feature of the Week

(also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). 

This criterion can be seen at the site below:


How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?


To be chosen as Person of the week you:


• Are highly visible on the community

• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.

• Must be nominated for the program by another member 

of the Community and voted on by other members.

• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.


This week we're honoring Mrs. Heidi Stern.
Heidi in the recent months has gotten really involved in the community. 

She has made a lot of friends and is a favorite poster to many of us in the community; a warm personality is always a welcomed
addition to a forum.  Visit her Forum 

Congratulations Mrs. Heidi Stern

on your POTW win! Wink




 Mrs. Heidi Stern




Here's Mrs. Heidi Stern Bio:

Hello my friends,

I hope this note finds you all well.
How are things with you by the way?

May I extend my gratitude to the “Person of the Week” committee.

Thank you all so much for your time and attention in putting together
and keeping together this most gracious forum.

Thank you everyone for your continued support.
This community has become a great light in my life.

My dearest friends you are a welcome addition to the bouquet of my life.

Now I suppose this is where I begin to tell you all some things about me.

I was born in Upstate NY in 1966, Skaneateles.
Now residing in Pennsylvania, USA.

I am married and have two boys almost grown.
In their 4 years of High School I chose to school them at home.
Best decision I ever made!

I have been a cosmetologist, bakery manager, tag coordinator for a major grocery chain, and other assorted retail jobs through the years. All of which I coordinated with my husband, Arthur’s schedule to make sure that one of us was always with our children, no sitters, no daycare. Was not always easy but we did it.

When I made the decision to take our boys out of public schooling I was faced with a new dilemma.
A need to be at home and still create an income.
As you know it is very challenging to live on a one salary income these days.

This is where working from home came into play.
Now again this was not easy. You have the many interruptions and distractions that come from being so, “available” to the fact that I had virtually no experience with online marketing. I tried many opportunities, many products. Learning with each adventure or mis-adventure. And while many opportunities out there have great potential they have equally as much mismanagement and poor leadership.

I did not give up however. I simply fine tuned my search and found Melaleuca.

And have been in love every since. Now, I am not independently wealthy just yet.. But am reaching closer to it everyday, at my own pace. Between Melaleuca and some of the other varied smaller income streams I have,
I am looking at financial freedom by the year 2010!
Today I enjoy, Better Health along with Time Freedom.
And boy I have met so many people from all over the world!

I really am loving that..

I was not looking for merely an income.

I was looking for an income that meant something. That could create some good for others as well as myself. Being a helper by nature this was very important to me and I really was not sure I could find that, in a paying form, anyways. But, Melaleuca fit the bill! Safer, cleaner, more economical everyday products. So I not only was able to create an income for my family but also improve the lives of my family as well as others by educating them on the dangers of some additives used in many of the popular grocery store brands that are found in many homes today.
Learn more here

And you know it really feels good to be teaching by example for my children.

I have found it to be quite interesting to see a good share of the name brands we had used for years in our homes now switching to a “green effect” in their products. As if they knew all along the dangers their products have posed to our health, that of our families and the state of our environment.

Kinda makes you think doesn’t it? I hope it does anyways!

Melaleuca has been in business and going stronger, consistently, since their beginning back in 1985. Great products, great savings, great support, great training and a fabulous compensation plan for those that choose to tell others about this wellness company and it’s much needed products and services.. They have it all!

I can tell you more just ask here; My Healthy Tree



Melaleuca Foundation



If you don’t see me online..

I am often in my gardens or planning my strategy for the next seasons bloom.
I love Birds and the social, fun side they bring to my yard.
I bake on a regular basis, yes homemade baked goods!
Think that may be why we are the neighborhood hang out? HeHeHe.
Camping is my favorite vacation adventure
My favorite place to get away from it all

Give me a place to hear no phones, no t.v’s, Just nature at it’s finest and I am one happy camper!
I also enjoy hiking. Getting out in the fresh clean air on some mysterious trail. Not knowing what you’ll see after the next bend or hill. Setting up a small picnic and enjoying the beauty that is nature.
I have begun to explore my love of photography.
View some of my work

Teaching myself as I go at this point. Really is neat though when the image you see comes out exactly as you meant it too.
As in, through my eyes…
I have recently started a pet sitting side business. Mostly for friends and family. This started by accident but we have such a good time with it.
Easy money if you ask me!


Isn’t it great to be paid for doing what you love?!


I consider myself to be a self motivated individual. But I do have a favorite place I like to go for a daily focus on motivation plan @
Daily Motivation

I do my best to be a good listener,

I find that you can learn much more if you aren’t the one doing all the talking all the time.

Photo of the Week- 01/02/08

A people person by nature, I have been told that I have a gift for finding the “softer edges” in people. For seeing the less than obvious positive side of others. I like hearing that.

It really feels good to know that I am bringing a positive to peoples lives.


I recycle anything I can!
It may be used for some funky yard art for my gardens, or a tool to use for camping or hiking. I can be quite clever this way!
And selfishly, I hope this is helping the environment as well.


I am a pretty simple girl with simple needs.
Give me love of Family, Friends, Faith, Health and Home; I am good!


So, Please, tell me, what’s your story?


Warmest regards,
Heidi Stern



It is time to congratulate Heidi on her POTW win. Please invite
Heidi to join your list of friends if he isn't already on it.

Mrs. Heidi Stern,

Peter, Ana Maria and I are glad to be honoring 
you in this week's POTW forum.
You've have a been a great asset to our wonderful

Enjoy your week as our 

POTW and Queen of AdlandPro!Wink


Thank you Adland Friends for supporting 
the POTW Forum

The Person of the Week Team

Peter, Jim and Ana Maria

POTW Awards Team

Larry Blethen

2241 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: CONGRATULATIONS ~~~~>> Mrs. Heidi Stern as the 130TH POTW
2/10/2008 10:37:18 AM

hello Heidi...a big congrats to you on beng POTW...enjoy your week in the great to see you and reading about you..Larry

Larry Blethen, 304-369-5603
Lydia Fokina

2042 Posts
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Re: CONGRATULATIONS ~~~~>> Mrs. Heidi Stern as the 130TH POTW
2/10/2008 10:42:46 AM
Do Congratulations, Mrs. Heidi Stern!

Do You ever wonder?
          At the wonder of it all?
                           Do You ever think?

Beryl Payton

2592 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: CONGRATULATIONS ~~~~>> Mrs. Heidi Stern as the 130TH POTW
2/10/2008 10:56:07 AM

Hi Team,

Congratulations Heidi on becoming the 130th POTW, and welcome to the club Queen Heidi.

You are so deserving.  Enjoy your week as the reigning Queen.

  11224bfx6yct0zf.gif picture by jeana900



This Is The Healthy Lifestyle Feature-rich Information Website - Family Owned and Operated Vial Virtual Solutions Helping Business to Achieve Their Dreams
Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Re: CONGRATULATIONS ~~~~>> Mrs. Heidi Stern as the 130TH POTW
2/10/2008 11:05:35 AM

Great work Peter and Ana!

Congratulations to you Heidi!



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success
