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Linda Harvey

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Re: Health Nuts
3/26/2008 6:10:40 PM

Traditionally a day of rest. And you can rest, too, since relaxation is key to maintaining control over your new healthy regimen. Take time to lie in a hammock and gaze at the clouds. Put on a facial mask, take a long, luxurious bubble bath, read a book or play with your pet.

Now that wasn't so hard, was it? By the end of just one week you are happier, brighter, healthier and ready to keep going—because you know it takes just three weeks to create a habit. Except you will have created seven by then.

Linda Harvey

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Re: Health Nuts
4/9/2008 2:02:55 PM
Treat your body to a little TLC.

Olive oil and a little salt or sugar make a fabulous scrub that rivals spa-grade products. Instead of tossing out that last bit of oil, mix it with kosher salt. It creates a fantastic moisturizing hand treatment, especially after a long day in the garden. And don't hesitate to daub it on dry elbows, cuticles, knees or heels.
Linda Harvey

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Re: Health Nuts
4/21/2008 1:50:16 PM
Spring Fever? Literally? Anytime you or anyone in your circle has a temp higher than 101 degrees pull it down -- into an old pair of socks, that is. Soak a pair of old socks in buttermilk, wring them out and put them on your feet. This will 'pull' the heat into the socks and away from your own aching head. Throw the socks away when you get back to your own cool self. Gives new meaning to 'sweat' socks!

Linda, your friendly health NUT
Linda Harvey

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Re: Health Nuts
4/22/2008 4:36:50 PM
Join a CSA (community-supported agriculture) program, where you buy a share in a local farm and receive a variety of produce once a week. You'll get in-season produce without having to pull a single weed.

The Benefits

  • Delicious fresh produce. If you're too busy to put down the laptop and pick up the hoe, CSAs are the perfect shortcut, and some offer home delivery.
  • Less pollution. Only 10% of the fossil fuel energy used to generate food goes into growing it; 90% goes to ads, packaging, and transport.
  • Support for local farmers. Small farms are an endangered species due to competition from big factory farms.
  • Joining the organic revolution. Many CSAs source food from organic farms.

Personally Speaking

The biggest kick we get out of belonging to a CSA is not knowing what food we're going to get next and trying out the suggested recipes that come with our deliveries - all for about $15 per week.
Linda Harvey

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Re: Health Nuts
4/22/2008 4:49:20 PM
10 Easy Green Tips
By IdealBite

Hardly any effort required, and look at the results!

1. Switch your credit cards to e-statements. If 10,000 Biters go electronic with just one of their accounts, over a lifetime we'll save 3,481 trees.

2. Thaw your food in the fridge. If 10,000 Biters quit using running water to thaw food, in a year we'll save enough fresh water to fill 1,664,000 bathtubs.

3. Save the world with the click of your mouse. Click over to one of the web's many no-cost donation sites. If 10,000 Biters click on The Rainforest Site alone, we'll save 114,000 sq ft of rainforest.

4. Turn off your dishwasher’s drying cycle. Save 15-50% of energy used by your dishwasher. If 10,000 Biters don't use their dishwasher's drying cycle, in a year, the CO2 averted will have the effect of planting 3,343 trees.

5. Choose organic jeans. If 10,000 Biters make their next jeans purchase organic, we'll keep the weight of 8 male walruses in pesticide-treated cotton out of production. But we'll all be broke.

Click Here to sign up for IdealBite daily emails.

6. Buy organic undies. If 10,000 Biters make their next undie purchase an organic one, we'll eliminate the use of 1,250 lbs of synthetic chems.

7. Try organic beer. If 10,000 Biters drink organic rather than conventional beer, in a year we'll keep 28 full bathtubs worth of pesticides out of the waste stream.

8. Tackle your chores with reusable cloths and natural cleaners. Save cash and lower your eco-impact by ditching the one wipe habit. Every year, Americans use enough disposable wipes to fill 9,000 18-wheelers to capacity.

9. Avoid “phantom load”. That’s the energy your appliances use when they are plugged in but not turned on – up to 40% of your energy bill. If 10,000 Biters plug our cable boxes into powerstrips that we turn off when not watching TV, we'll save about $300,000 per year.

10. Reuse your plastic bags as trash bags. If 10,000 Biters forgo a 200-pack of store-bought bin liners, in a year we'll avoid the weight of half a garbage truck in additional plastic waste.


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