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Great References for Web Dev
2/5/2008 10:38:45 AM
The only reason I can afford a roof over my head is cause of what I can do with a keyboard, a mouse and a browser. So with that in mind, may I suggest a few great sites.

For HTML, there's a great reference that starts right from scratch. It was written in about 1997, so it's a bit out of date but it's still the best single simple starting point I've ever seen. It's designed to be done over seven days, and you can access the seven parts as the last seven links here:

There is also a lot of good information here that doesn't require much by way of technical knowledge to start.

If you've ever tried to visualize colours you know how hard that task is. Try I don't want to know how many times that's saved my life.

As for some more technical links... don't worry if these are foreign to you. They're just things I use on a day to day basis and am throwing out there for the more advanced in the crowd. - He knows more JavaScript then you. He knows more then anyone else I've ever met. Also a great site for browser compatibility issues. - Great sections on lots of languages. I love their HTML and CSS sections, and when I was teaching myself Xpath I lived on this site. Also some fascinating browser statistics to remind you of how important it is for your site to work in IE6, IE7 AND Firefox, at bare minimum. - Everything you ever needed to know about SQL database commands.

There's surely some others I'm forgetting. I'll get back to this.

Re: Great References for Web Dev
2/5/2008 10:40:39 AM
I batted about one for five on getting the links to work... try these. :)

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