Time to Congratulate the Winner of the
23RD Photo of the WEEK!
Vote for This Week's Contestants
Nominate Your Picture of the Week Here too!
http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/thread/945403.aspx |
Hello Everyone!
This will be the Nominations forum for the:
Photo of the Week Contest!
When we get enough nominations we will announce it and use those nominations for the new poll.
Any nominations received after that will be used for the preceding poll and so on.
This will be the only nominations forum.
This will be conducted similar to the other POTW program (Person of the Week).
Please make your nominations in this fashion:
And if possible the actual photo (if you don't know how to paste a photo we understand).
(note: You must OWN the Photo you Nominate)
http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/thread/945403.aspx | |
Hello Friends of Adland,
We would like to see more participation in the Photo of the Week forum. Above you will find the link for the current Winner's Forum and the Same forum is for nominating your personal pictures for the following weeks "Photo of the Week" poll.
Did you know there is a $50.00 Prize for the Winner? There IS at Present. Bogdan has graciously supported this forum by attaching a monetary reward for participants.
This is Awesome of Bogdan to show his appreciation to the folks that are offering up their photos for consideration.
Peter, Ana Maria and myself would like to invite your participation.