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Re: It's Time To VOTE for The 130th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
2/2/2008 6:58:24 PM
Flag of Kathy Hamilton

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Re: It's Time To VOTE for The 130th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
2/2/2008 7:15:50 PM

Good luck to everyone,

My vote must go to JIm Allan for his dedication to this community and he should of been voted in along time,this community could not be what it is today if it wasnt for all his careing ways and helpfulness to everyone in this community.Jim allen has pure Morals, Ethics, values and he is am Honorable man.

I back you 100% in all you believe in.Thanks for being my friend. Your character is the most amazing and I am glad to know you, you are a great leader and a great person and you deserve this honor.

Kathy Hamilton/simikathy

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Flag of Sue Dietrich

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Re: It's Time To VOTE for The 130th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
2/2/2008 8:34:02 PM

I have voted Good Luck everyone.

Keep Smiling

Peache :)

Re: It's Time To VOTE for The 130th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
2/3/2008 12:46:01 AM
My vote is in too. Best wishes to you all.

God bless,
DID YOU KNOW? The U.S. Social Security Board reports that 85 out of 100 Americans reaching age 65 don't possess as much as $250. And only 2% are self-sustaining (the rest dependent on family, church, or the government)! Want to know what the "2-percenters" know that you don't?
Flag of Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: It's Time To VOTE for The 130th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
2/3/2008 8:49:07 AM
Good luck everyone!
Congratulations Lydia and Nick.
Lydia thank you for bringing a "face" to your country for us (me).  You are such a lovely lady and a grand addition to this community.
Nick-I don't know you yet-but that can be quickly taken care of.

Thanks team for a great presentation.

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