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Lydia Fokina

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Re: Winners of POTD Lingvo Club
2/1/2008 4:54:23 PM

You are such Sultan, Peter!

((youtube id="ghq9tHn2Zk8"))((/youtube))

Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Winners of POTD Lingvo Club
2/1/2008 6:23:54 PM
Would have you dreamed about this PETER?! Now, you see your dreams come true with your own eyes! LOL

Yes, I just thought about the 5th Lady when pushing the <post> button! :-)

I couldn;t decide which one to post for you so here are both!

-click the picture for the first choice and

HERE for the second :-)

Friendship hugs and good night,

Peter Fogel

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Re: Winners of POTD Lingvo Club
2/2/2008 12:43:02 AM

Hey Ladies,

Lydia, I haven't decided of I should thank you for the video. Let me give it some more thought. Hmmmmmmmm.......... :)

And Anamaria they were both great!!!!! Yeah it is a dream come true. It's one I'm used to though since I only have daughters and loved every minute.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Nick Sym

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Re: Winners of POTD Lingvo Club
2/2/2008 4:27:54 AM
Breast Cancer Awareness On My Site! Free exposure that works
Lydia Fokina

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Re: Winners of POTD Lingvo Club
2/2/2008 10:51:56 AM

Hey Peter!

It is not easy to pass national humor through oceans, kilometers, languages barriers...

It is song from Russian comedia - film "The Caucasian captive "

This film about different in mentality...

In this film the Russian young girl try to steal in east harem...

If I would be the sultan, I would have three wives,

And by threefold beauty would be surrounded
But on the other hand, at such affairs
It is so much troubles and efforts, ah, rescue, the Allah!
It is quite good to have very much three wives,
But it is very bad, on the other hand!
How to be to us, sultans,
Clearness here is necessary
How many wives just right, three or one?
On a question on such there is an answer idle time:
If I was the Sultan, would be single!


Если б я был султан, я б имел трёх жён,

И тройной красотой был бы окружён
Но с другой стороны, при таких делах,
столько бед и хлопот, ах, спаси, Аллах!
Неплохо очень иметь три жены,
Но очень плохо, с другой стороны!

Как быть нам, султанам,
Ясность тут нужна
Сколько жён в самый раз, три или одна?
На вопрос на такой есть ответ простой:
Если я был Султан, был бы холостой!



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