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Kathy Hamilton

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Re: PHILOXENIA MYTHS: The Eye of Horus
1/31/2008 9:16:24 AM

Hello Georgios,

Remember when you did my name and my kids? well could you send it to me again?when my computer crashed I lost it.It was amazing,great job your so special!!!

Kathy Hamilton

I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Re: PHILOXENIA MYTHS: The Eye of Horus
1/31/2008 10:02:20 AM

Thank you Georios, just signed up and requested name.  Love your forums.


Sarah Pritchard

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Re: PHILOXENIA MYTHS: The Eye of Horus
1/31/2008 2:59:36 PM
Hello Joyce,

That is really interesting and I see you sparked off the Benster!

Benton, that is fascinating.

It is going to take me ages to watch the vids!!! (dial-up)

Angel cuddles,


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Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: PHILOXENIA MYTHS: The Eye of Horus
1/31/2008 3:45:30 PM
Benton to tell ya the truth-it gets too weirdo spooky when I do research on this stuff!
I used to keep meeting people that I had already met before in dreams or wherever-even a beautiful Italian that showed up about eight months after I wrote about wanting to meet him-then after about seven or eight months we showed up in each others dreams only in his we were in ancient Egypt!
I think I even saw the flooding of katrina in a dream I had in 1998 or 99; it never made any sense; I was walking through water and there were a lot of other people doing the same- go figure!
See why I don't have too many friends?
Robert De Merode

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Re: PHILOXENIA MYTHS: The Eye of Horus
2/1/2008 4:08:40 AM

Hello Georgios,

Very dangerous treading here on a subject that needs a long prologue. May I let you hear the second video of 5 about a conference given by Bishop Williamson who speaks about the book of Orwells "1984" and thereby infers on a greater part of what you are talking about in this forum. Of course, to fully understand the conference you will need to listen to all 5 vids. None the less I do agree that when you depart from objective truths, as “Freedom and Liberty” today obliges, then it is only normal that the infernal powers take over.

Kind regards,


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