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Re: NOMINATE the 130th POTW Awards Honorees Time for Nominations
2/2/2008 5:02:21 AM

Hi Branka,

Thanks for nominating Lydia. I second the nomination. If I'm not mistaken we'll see her orly in next weeks poll.



Peter Fogel
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Re: NOMINATE the 130th POTW Awards Honorees Time for Nominations
2/2/2008 5:08:56 AM

Hi all, I support nomination of Lydia


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Re: NOMINATE the 130th POTW Awards Honorees Time for Nominations
2/2/2008 6:35:13 AM
Hello Friends :-)

I've also done the same mistake wanting to nominate someone who already IS a POTW! LOL

So, for the time being I want to second Branka, or should I say third?! :-)

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With friendship,

PS: the nominees from our last pole are going to be on the list again; aren't they?
Re: NOMINATE the 130th POTW Awards Honorees Time for Nominations
2/3/2008 11:12:49 PM
Since Branka Babic is a POTW already, I am putting in another bid for Lydia. Thanks, Stephen
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Re: NOMINATE the 130th POTW Awards Honorees Time for Nominations
2/4/2008 7:22:06 PM
Hi Jim and Peter and AnaMaria,
I want to nominate Helen Gibbs for the POTW, she is very active in adlandpro and a good friend and networker.
Thanks so much! (Here's her link .)

Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey

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