Hello Moses,
To nominate someone for POTW is great, but there are guidelines and a format for nominating a POTW Award Nominee.
You nominated Thomas. Thomas who? Plus we need the link to their profile page.
Previous POTW Winners are not eligable to be nominated
Attention: It's been decided that from now on any candidate who doesn't get at least 5% of the vote will not be included on the following week's poll.
How do I nominate someone for the POTW?
(Person of the Week) POTW Award aka Feature of the Week award?
1. Post in this forum the name of the person you want to see as the Person of the Week.
2. Tell us why you have nominated this person? See Criterion. http://community.adlandpro.com/PersonOfTheWeek.aspx?sub=program
3. Post the link to their profile in this forum with their name. Note: The Nominee must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.
4. Get your nominees permission first before nominating them. There are some folks who rather not be on the poll soget their permission first, thanks!
Note: For nominees to stay in the race they have to poll a minimum of 5% of the votes... only then will they be carried over to the next week.
1. What is the "Person of the Week" Program?
The Person of the Week (POTW) program is the Community's Way of Recognizing Special Community Members. Each Week, a new POTW is selected and featured in many different ways and in different areas of the Community. Namely:
- The Main Community Home Page
- The POTW Archive Page
- The Bi-Weekly Community Newsletter (17,500 Subscribers)
2. How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?
To be chosen as Person of the week you:
- Are highly visible on the community
- Are Always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.
- Must be nominated for the program by another member of the Community and voted on by other members.
3. Do I Get Anything for Being Chosen as Person of the Week?
Of course! You get, in addition to the tremendous positive exposure for yourself and your business, a mind-blowing 15,000 banner impression credits on Adlandpro.com which is good for 15,000 displays on our Large Advertising Network of any ad or ads you choose! That’s nearly a $50.00 Value for FREE [ Banner Impression Details ]