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It's Time To Honor The 128th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
1/27/2008 12:10:54 AM

Person of the Week

NUMBER 128th !!!  


Greetings To Everyone At AdlandPro,

Jim Allen, Peter Fogel and Ana Maria Padurean your POTW
Awards Team.  Are pleased to announce;

Larry Blethen is the

128th Person of the Week

It’s time again for one our favorite projects of the week and that is the Feature of The Week! It is one of our favorite projects because you folks and the POTW’s of the week make it a very special event. We are all so fortunate to be a part of this community that is made up of so many friendly and talented people.

Thank you so much for your support and for making this
event so special.


Jim Allen III

Peter Fogel

Ana Maria Padurean

POTW Awards Team

The reason the Feature of the Week forum was created was
to honor people who have a positive influence on this

To qualify the person has to be an active member
and one who contributes to the positive atmosphere here
AdlandPro. Here are the criteria for nominating a member
for the Feature of the Week

(also referred to as the Person of the Week, POTW). 

This criterion can be seen at the site below:


How Do I Get Selected as Person of the Week?


To be chosen as Person of the week you:


• Are highly visible on the community

• Are always seen as respectful, professional, and helpful.

• Must be nominated for the program by another member 

of the Community and voted on by other members.

• Must have a real photo of themselves on their profile.




This week we're honoring a distinguishing gentleman from
the state of West Virginia, his name is Larry Blethen.
Larry in the recent months has stepped up to the plate and
has gotten really involved in the community. He has made a
lot of friends and is a favorite poster to many of us in
the community; a warm personality is always a welcomed
addition to a forum.
Congratulations Larry on your POTW win!



Here's Larry's Bio:




Larry Blethen lives in Madison, West Virginia USA on the east coast of USA.  West Virginia has some of the biggest scenic mountains in the eastern states. 
West Virginia has many lakes, rivers,  parks, that have around the year activities like fishing, boating, skiing, walking trails, ATV trails, horse trails, white water rafting, rock climbing, and caverns. There are also lots of civil war history. The home of the New River Gorge Bridge that has an annual Bridge Jump Day that attracts people from all over the world.  This is a parachute jump from the bridge.


















West Virginia  is one of the small states and it best known for the mountains and coal mining. The town of Madison has a population of 4000 on a busy weekend. My dad worked in the coal mines for 50 years.   It was a hard way to make a living and very labor intense. I have four other brothers (no sisters) which I am the second oldest. We all live in different states now.. one  in Arizona, one in Alabama, one in New Jersey, one in West Virginia close to me.
I was born in West Virginia  and attended schools here.  I went to college two years and decided to drop out of college and go to work.  It was poor timing to say the least.  The Vietnam War had started and I was drafted in 1966 into the Army and went to the Vietnam War for 12 months. It was a real eye opener for me. I am thankful that I returned in one piece and safe.  The memory of the  Vietnam War still surfaces from time to time.
I did go back to college with the help of the GI Bill in 1968  I decided dropping out of college was not the smartest thing that I had ever done.. I ended up getting a BS Business Management from West Virginia University.
I was married in 1969 to  Karen  from  West Virginia who was a Registered Nurse and we had two daughters. We were married in West Virginia then moved to Louisiana 2 years, Texas 5 years, Minnesota 10 years and then back to West Virginia for the last 25 years. The big decision to return to West Virginia in 1982 was several including a good place to raise our daughters and so that my daughters could know grandmothers and grandfathers which  lived here in West Virginia
We used to travel to a different state park each weekend just to see what they looked like up close and personal so to say.  Some parks have fishing and boating, some have family type things like picnic tables and outdoor grilling type grounds, some have hiking grounds. It was a good adventure for the family.  My daughters still talk about these trips even today. I do feel good that they remember. I was always wanted to give my family memories and I suppose it worked.
In 1988, I decided that I needed to go back to college to get a degree in computers.
I earned a  BS Degree in Computer Management from West Virginia  University in 2000.  At that time, I was working full time, going to college two days per week, and teaching computer classes  three nights per week at a local college.  My background for the last 30 years has been in computer networking and computer programming.
I build computers and teach computer classes at a local  College for 17 years. I learned to build computers and sell them as a way to make money. I also taught computers classes such as Window 3.1, Windows 95,  Windows 98, Windows XP, MS Word, MS Excel, and Basic Programming.


At present, I  live in Madison, West Virginia  USA with my two daughters, 32 and 27 and one grandson 3years. I lost my wife of 35 years in Aug 2004 after seven years of illness. It was a big lose for me. I have to thank my daughters for taking care of me because I know that I was a basket case after losing my wife in August 2004 and September 2004 my grandson was born  It did not give me much time to mourn with the grandson being born the next month in September 2004


1978 to 1988

I owned an international import and export company. I traveled all over Europe, Australia, Singapore, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Mexico training service people to do service work on some of the equipment that was exported to them. Some the equipment we exported was water purification equipment, package film testing equipment, ice cream packing equipment and some medical devices.


1988 to 2003

I worked for the State of West Virginia as a Computer Technical Support Manager with a staff of 20 with 25 offices around the state with 1500 users on local area networks and wide area networks including high speed document scanners for 15 years. These offices included Job Service and Workers Compensation.

I designed networks, wrote the specifications and installed the systems. When I went to work for the State of West Virginia they were using dumb terminals, and when I left they were using the best high speed Wide Area Network to each office.


 In 2003

 I retired from the State of West Virginia  and started an internet business and now work at home. The internet business has been tough and I learned alot for someone that should known alot about computers and the internet. It has been a real learning experience for me. I have lost money on the internet then I like to think to about.  I understand why people are afraid to do business on the internet. So many scams and people just wanting money and running with it.



It is time to congratulate Larry on his POTW win. Please invite
Larry to join your list of friends if he isn't already on it.


Peter, Ana Maria and I are glad to be honoring 
you in this week's POTW forum.
You've have a been a great asset to our wonderful
Enjoy your week as our POTW and King of AdlandPro!Wink

Thank you Adland Friends for supporting 
the POTW Forum

Re: It's Time To Honor The 128th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
1/27/2008 12:17:10 AM
Congratulations Larry! Great bio, and pics to go with it!

All the best,

"One could trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency" Dr Linus Pauling, two time Nobel Laureate Get ALL the facts - your health depends on it
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time To Honor The 128th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
1/27/2008 12:18:02 AM
Hi Jim & AnaMaria,

Larry Congratulations and enjoy your week in the spotlight.

You had to be patient since the POTY Joe Downing had a bit over 2 weeks on the front page of Adland but your time's finally here. Thanks for your patience.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Rose Enderud

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 128th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
1/27/2008 12:42:02 AM
Hello Team,
Larry congradulations. Have a wonderful week.

Luella May

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Re: It's Time To Honor The 128th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
1/27/2008 12:47:07 AM

Outstanding Forum!  Great Layout!  Awesome Team!


Larry!  Congratulations!  I am so glad I got a glimpse of this before I went to bed.

I thoroughly enjoyed your bio and the pictures.

Wonderful to see you as ......





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